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So heres some of my art that I've done :)

Helix Amell

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Here is where I show some of the  are some pics of art that I've done for coursework (mainly because I'm bored and so why not? :) )




 Drawing 1.This one is a rollercoaster landscape from South end  (one on left)

Drawing 2. Here is the Eiffel Tower :)  (on right)

Drawing 3. Here is Big Ben also done with water colour background blended in union Jack :3

                       my hand is in the way...so sorry about that :P  (middle left)

Drawing 4. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Car! :D  (middle right)

Drawing 5. Random house sketch(bottom left)

Ahhhh yeah! (bottom right me with one of my drawings)







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You should digitally paint those. Where did you learn to draw?

As a kid I would continously draw something until I got better at it...as I've grown older that image has become far more better than before. I draw pretty much anything, anything with colour involved as well- I see colours everywhere.

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