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Hello Dave,


First off, we're not the official 343i. That's Halowaypoint.


I'm not sure how the MCC will ne handled. If it's like Halo 4 I think setting your xbox location and language will change all text in game to the set language/location. As for subtitles and voice overs I'm not sure, but I think English will look and sound best anyway. I even set my Xbox 360's location to UK because I hated how the Dutch lagnuage looked in Halo 4 (probably translated by Bing...)

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I live in the UK as well, from what I heard is the PAL version of MCC will have a language option, in my case Dutch will be my language for my game. But to answer your question, yes. I'm pretty sure they will have a language selection you can customize to your native language. ^_^

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