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*The camera pans from behind the top of a building, revealing an eagles eye view of a crowd surrounding a guillotine*




The heads of the former mafians and civilians were mounted on pikes surrounding the guillotine, the blacksmith was preparing another pike for the next head to be displayed. 


The guard walked Cerulean up to the platform where a black noose was awaiting him. "You sick mafian, the detective tipped us off on you... now we rid this town of more mafian scum" the executioner said. "You will see me again... in hell" Cerulean replied as the burlap sack was placed over his head. He began to laugh as the executioner placed the noose over his covered head, "and even in hell I'll kill you again" the executioner whispered.


"Does anyone here object to the execution of Cerulean, the mafian?"


Silence was about the area, until suddenly a voice came out of nowhere saying "ME! DON'T KILL HIM! TAKE ME INSTEAD!!". "Who the h-" the executioner was stating when he laid eyes on the ghostly figure." "TAKE ME TAKE ME TAKE ME!!" the figure re-stated.... "Who...wait, haven't we killed you before?" the executioner asked. "YES. THAT THERE IS MY HEAD! DON'T YOU REMEMBER?!" the figure stated as he pointed to the head of Caboose The Ace. "Ah... you've got to be kidding me, a freaking ghost?" the executioner moaned.


"I'll handle it!" The man dressed in a tan suit stated as he pulled out a vacuum type machine. He flipped the switch and the ghost of Caboose The Ace began being sucked inside the machine. "I'LL COME BACK FOR YOU!!! I L-" and just as Caboose was about to finish, the man in the tan suit placed a cap on the machine and walked away.... never to be seen again.


"Uh... okay... let's finish things up; Cerulean, you are being charged with the murder of innocent lives! How do you plead?" the executioner claimed as he turned back to where Cerulean was standing... "Lets just get this over with shall we? Oh, by the way... you can see through this burlap sack..." Cerulean quickly replied as he quickly kicked the lever.... releasing the door below him, dropping him to the abyss.



Cerulean - Mafian - Executed



-To everyone who has a role, you have 48 hours to send me your targets-

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Axilus told me that he was the detective. I'm saying this so that the mafians won't kill him, because I definitely don't want him to die. He's been instrumental in the mafian's defeat, but sucked early on in the game. Axilus has come a log way from the useless self he was; even pretending to disdain himself, The Detective, was brilliant when he wasn't doing anything. 


Mafians, this is without a doubt your target. You won't vote to kill him because I said this... that is what I want.  


P.S. I want him to die. 

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Axilus told me that he was the detective. I'm saying this so that the mafians won't kill him, because I definitely don't want him to die. He's been instrumental in the mafian's defeat, but sucked early on in the game. Axilus has come a log way from the useless self he was; even pretending to disdain himself, The Detective, was brilliant when he wasn't doing anything. 


Mafians, this is without a doubt your target. You won't vote to kill him because I said this... that is what I want.  


P.S. I want him to die. 


Reverse reverse reverse upside down Psychology.

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Cerulean roasting on an open fire, 
Jack O'Harts is picking his nose...
Yang is set to hang by Henpen9's dire, 
And Mafians getting skewered by their foes :troll:

And so I'm offering this simple phrase, 
To kids from one to ninety-two, 
Although its been said many times, many ways, 
A very Merry Fist-mas to you, JJJJLLLL!!!!!!!

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Axilus told me that he was the detective. I'm saying this so that the mafians won't kill him, because I definitely don't want him to die. He's been instrumental in the mafian's defeat, but sucked early on in the game. Axilus has come a log way from the useless self he was; even pretending to disdain himself, The Detective, was brilliant when he wasn't doing anything. 


Mafians, this is without a doubt your target. You won't vote to kill him because I said this... that is what I want.  


P.S. I want him to die. 

1. I told you no such thing.


2. That whole thing made no sense.


3. I'm actually the Sniper. I aimed at Remnant thinking he was Mafia and successfully got a Mafian. The Mafia found out who I was and contacted me through their dead. So I pretended shooting one of them was an accident. I also pretended to be on their side so I could wring out information. Destruct telling people who to vote for? That was him relaying my messages. I told him who the Mafia wanted dead so we knew who not to vote for. Then Director looked like he was gonna die, so he actually contacted me personally while still alive. That just ended up sealing his fate.


The Detective also found Cerulean and Sikslik. I had nothing to do with that. Self Destruct most excellently posted that here, sealing Cerulean's fate.


Now, I'm gonna snipe a Mafian and the other can just be lynched. So I think Pro-Town just won.


I tell you all this because my cover was blown after Director died. After that incident the Mafia didn't trust me anymore, for good reason.

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