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Thank you. :)


You idots!


Yes Sd could be mafia but..... Dexter is more likely.

He was not mafia last game ( it would be safer voting him ) Because he twas not mafia last game.


Of course I could be wrong but it is more likely we uncover a mafian.

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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Thank you. :)


You idots!


Yes Sd could be mafia but..... Dexter is more likely.

He was not mafia last game ( it would be safer voting him ) Because he twas not mafia last game.


Of course I could be wrong but it is more likely we uncover a mafian.

So because I wasnt Mafia last time, then Im Mafia now? You werent Mafia last time so you're Mafia. See how this idiocy works?

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Either way makes no sense at all. You cannot base someone is Mafian on previous games. Just because someone is or is not Mafian one game does not increase or decrease their chances the next few games. I think you guys are trying to find reasons to vote, when there truly isn't a reason at all at this point.

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To be honest you are right. :)


For all of us. Sd could be mafia. So could Mereel. Anyone could.

But right now as Prime pointed out we must lynch as we gain something from it ( we gain little but we gain something )


But right now, all of use can admit ( expect the mafians I guess ) are blind guessing with only assumptions to justify.

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To be honest you are right. :)


For all of us. Sd could be mafia. So could Mereel. Anyone could.

But right now as Prime pointed out we must lynch as we gain something from it ( we gain little but we gain something )


But right now, all of use can admit ( expect the mafians I guess ) are blind guessing with only assumptions to justify.

Not you

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Anyone involved with the idea that a mafian last game is unlikely to be one this game, may be rather unintelligent, put it that way.


I'm pretty sure that RNG selects things, so it doesn't matter what your roll was last game. Grif is not more likely to be a mafian just because he wasn't one last game, that is not evidence, it's ignorance.


You all need to take in the fact that roles this game are completely irrelevant to roles from last game.

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No multi-lynch scenes.

That's what I didn't like about Mafia 5.0 and I think that's why a lot of people complained when Mafia 6.0 was a lot longer. The game lived up to it's fullest with a few problems here and there with me going away and stuff

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That is utter nonsense. Lynching no one makes the game harder than lynching wrongly does. At least lynching wrongly narrows it down.


Failure to lynch is what lost us Mafia 2.0 and doomed 3.0.

Lynch someone, the chances are much bigger you kill your teammate.

Lynch someone, and if you kill your teammate you're nearly just as clueless as to who the enemies are but they in turn are a leap forwards in narrowing down who specifically they should target.


Don't lynch someone and instead just show Shinya/whooever else all your info and get him/her to coordinate.

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Lynch someone, the chances are much bigger you kill your teammate.

Lynch someone, and if you kill your teammate you're nearly just as clueless as to who the enemies are but they in turn are a leap forwards in narrowing down who specifically they should target.


Don't lynch someone and instead just show Shinya/whooever else all your info and get him/her to coordinate.


Ya' see, JL right here's got the idea.


You don't need to lynch anyone, you're just taking a blind shot by doing so.

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Ya' see, JL right here's got the idea.


You don't need to lynch anyone, you're just taking a blind shot by doing so.

A good point but it's illogical, do we just sit here like sitting ducks and wait for the Mafians to kill us all off? That would take longer than Mafia 6.0

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We won't learn anything by not lynching even if we do review all our information...well, maybe we might have an inkling of a clue by round 5.


Every single time we lynch wrong we learn something. Every. Single. Time.


We have an obligation to lynch every round if we want to win. No exceptions, no excuses.

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Another vote tally would be nice. Also, I remember the time when in Mafia, where when someone died, they died. Sadly, this has just turned into killing off people and letting them figure out who the Mafia is. Maybe an idea for the future?

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Dead people were always ghosts from the beginning of Mafia here. And that's to compensate for the fact we can't see the Mafia in person. It's easier to perpetrate deception from behind a screen, so to balance it out we must make credible information possible to be relayed through the dead.

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