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Halo 4. What do we ACTUALLY need?

Bubonic Blood

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Don't mention it TAC


not to be rude or anything but maybe Halo 4 should be its own title with charecteristics of the halo feel. But with its own new twist. Like along the lines of AAs or Equipment either way im sure 343 will make it a game to behold.


Don't take this the wrong way but it's bad enough Bungie doesn't make the games anymore If it isn't as H3 is to H2 you'd probably have fans looting, taking to the streets, and most definitely committing ritual suicide.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmm. Honestly, I happen to like Reach's 2-beatdown system. It was a little wierd at first from switching over from Halo 3, but it ends up working. I'd like to point out that in Crysis 2, there is a 2-beatdown system, and it has a little bit of both qualities from halo 3's and Reach's melee system. Even though it plays more like COD than anything, it still works. It seems to me like there is an issue of the melee, but Bungie, and hence 343i, will still get melee right.


The thing that Halo 4 honestly needs is multiplayer Theatre mode. I have no idea why Bungie decided to limit it to one player in Reach though.


P.S.- Every one makes Bloom in reach to be so prominent, yet only 6 weapons have it, and on 3 of them it works (AR, Magnum, & Needle Rifle) and one dosn't affect it (sniper). The only weopns that bloom adversly effects is the DMR and Plasma repeater.

P.P.S- If you don't agree that the NR has a resonable amount of bloom, compare it to the Carbine, that thing shot all over the place!

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Theatre mode cannot support players outside the xbox for a good reason. When the system saves a game from matchmaking, it is actually saving frames of vertex values, which are used to place items, people, effects etc... This series of frames and vertices is compressed and saved locally in a temp directory on the HDD. In order to allow other players to join in the mode, you would have to re-write, or alter the vertex data to allow another player to assume the camera view of a player from the match. Which of coarse is not defined by the core metrics of the mode or the engine. Also please note that the match is played back in real time, so not only does your xbox have the job of loading the film, but it also has to pass every little bit of data from the film to client xboxes. This alone makes the bandwidth requirent a heavy laod even if it were possible.


I do agree with your thoughts on the weapons. The amount of bloom given to each one really does fit the certain "need" based on the weapon. I can remember frantic firefights with carbines like it was yesterday. I could have had better luck hitting a fly with a grain of sand, than taking down a player with that thing. Talk about shots going everywhere.... And just to give a mention real quick to Red....I like your post earlier on about the weapon recoil. Giving weapons the "smg" style upward angle error vector for spamming the trigger would have been a good alternative I see everyone agreeing on.

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People like you piss me off. Why? Because you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Who wanted jetpacks, bloom and all this other crap? Oh, the community? Right, you speak for the whole community, don't ya? If you were actually active on B.net, or knew what you were talking about you'd realize how dumb you sound right now. I don't mean to be mean, but please get your facts right. Let's search B.net, shall we?


Who wants jetpacks, guys?!







There's actually very few threads on B.net that put forth the notion of jetpacks being in Halo, and those that do are filled with people saying "NO!" with a few exceptions, but that's always expected. The majority never wanted jetpacks in Halo. Doesn't stop crazy 12 year old kids from making a thread about jetpacks though...


Now, let's look for bloom.

Nope. No threads came up in my searches outside of the Reach forum. Didn't seem like anybody wanted bloom.


Complaints about melee?

A few in the Halo 3 forum, but nothing really relevant. No one suggested the silly mechanic we now have. The only complaints I've found are a ) the huge lunge and b ) the fact that the player who has the most health, regardless of who smacked first, wins (Halo 3).


Now, if we're talking about the Reach forum... well, before players played the damn game some of the ideas sounded good to some people (on paper, ideas always sound better than when they're executed), but at the same time there was a lot of hate for them before the game or beta even came out. I know I was against bloom and AAs right from the start. Even with the people that liked the ideas, they didn't suggest 'em. It was all Bungie's doing. Like I've pointed out, the majority of players were against jetpacks from Halo 2 all the way to Halo 3 (at least, the people on the forums). There were threads discussing the idea, and the resolution was: NO! Yet, Bungie decided it was a good idea to put 'em into Reach. Yup! Bungie really listened to the community, didn't they? Hm.... Anyway, back to ideas sounding good on paper, but not when they're executed. And this is completely true. Once players got a taste of what the ideas were really like a lot of people changed their opinions.


Bloom, for instance. On paper it was a system that separated the good players from the bad. In reality it just added randomness and gave the bad players a chance against the good. It didn't do what it advertised. A lot of people hated it, and other ideas Reach brought forth, thus they went back to Halo 3. It's not that they asked for 'em and decided they didn't like it, it's that Bungie just gave it to us (even though there was strong protest against certain features *cough* *cough* armour lock *cough*). They don't 'listen' to the community as much as you make out. As they say, they make the games that they wanna play.



I have no idea what Halo 4 needs, but I know what I want it to be like. Halo 2.


Oh, last thing. Majority of the time when you ask someone, "what would you like the next game in the series to be like?" they'll say, "like the previous games, but better!" Not, "change practically everything we loved!" Only a few outliers say that... so yea, Bungie did good on listening to the community... if the outliers count as part of the community...


Dude you need to chill out! Even though you make me laugh how serious you come across haha! and yes i can sit here and babble on why i say so but its a waste of my time and yours im sure... just chill dude! people have their own opinions on what they want, in the end its a game which we all enjoy and somewhere or another Halo will *** something up, even in H4 unfortunily! ;)






Okay so if you guys haven't noticed, ALOT of people converted back to halo 3 after the release of Reach. Before the release of reach however there were alot of complaints on things that people hated about halo 3, like.....the idea you can hit and kill someone with a melee after their shields are down just halfway......you wanted bloom..enable to separate the "noobs" from the supposed "pros"......and you wanted abilities, like jetpack, or armorlock, or even invisibility as examples. Each time after though, you complained alot more about the wishes you were granted, and in the end, lot of the community resorted back to the more classic halo ways of halo 3.


I'm pointing out that for one, alot of you want the whole "shoot-beatdown" thing back now. Alot of you don't want bloom anymore. And alot of you don't want AAs. Making it closer to Halo 3 and the other halo games before it.


I'm here to say that, you don't know what you want it seems. Bungie, when making reach, listened to the community alot more than they did with the previous halos, and in return, the community is leaving to play it's predecessors. The community seems to be wanting Halo to play more like old times. Does the Halo community actually know what it really wants? I mean it seems the more leash you give a dog, the more it pulls you.


I'm here to ask, what do you actually think Halo 4 needs? I mean, just because you want it to be a sandbox game, doesn't mean it will turn out so great, there are plenty of sandbox games that haven't even got near a tenth of what halo 1-2-3 has brung in. It seems the Halo community always wants more, like a black hole. I would like to ask you today, what do you think the halo 4 actually needs?


All i say is make it like H2/H3 then people will be alot happeir than what they are now that Reach screwed up a bit ;)

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  • 1 month later...

Halo 4 Forge


I have to say to definitively keep forge in with a similar style to reach, but you have to get more tools for it.

I had the idea of gravity panels, but then thought, make it so you can label it as a gravity panel so it can be practically anything you can walk on. As to say you can walk straight and then jump up n a ceiling and have it switch to your specific orientation to be on that floor but anyone else to be normal until they hit the same object.

Also you got to have panels that can move when stepped on like an elevator, treadmill, or escalator that will move to an assigned object or height.

I also think you should make weapon lockers that can be loaded with weapons instead of just being decoration. Another I could think of is Light tools, Label an object as lighted to create a lit room in a dark place so we don't have those fake looking maps that have shadows or light when they're shouldn't be.

I also got to say we need some snapping options for those forgers who can't seem to get they're seems right, need to be so you can turn snapping on and have one object snap to the edge or center of another object.


I'll post more of my ideas as I go along, but one post per subject for now




I agree that the forge system should be upgraded as it is currently not precise or user-friendly enough. Perhaps there should be a halo forge computer game where users can create maps and upload them to xbox live. It would operate much like a solid modelling program (solid works / NX) in that you can create constraints between objects, and also allow the user to place numerical values on the size of objects. If this was released with a price tag around $30 I think a lot more people would take advantage of the forge. Personally I find building a decent map takes way too long and is quite frustrating.

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