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How can 343 and Microsoft ruin the greatest game of all time


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I have been trying to play this crapfest for four days.  It took two days and one game exchange to get the cross game playlists to work.   I have yet  to start playing the game without it freezing at least twice per start.  I played through multiple checkpoints on tanks,tanks, tanks and none of my progress saved.  Forget about being able to adjust the difficulty level on the playlists.  It would be better to to just play the earlier versions on their original platforms.  What a waste of $60.  My biggest regret of 2014 is wasting my money on this game and the XBoX one.  


I miss Bungie and wish I had resisted the urge to pay for this blatant cash grab.  

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Well for all you know your views might change once 343i get their hands on fixing the networking issues, etc. Afterall most games when on 1st release usually have a rocky begining, so I wouldn't feel too bad about it :) .

Another thing, it's in fact a collection of different games so surely repairing and fixing bugs would be time consuming, and they may of gotten the issues covered quicker if it wasn't a collection of different games,  or for example if they made it just having it being just one game like Halo 2 Anniversary singularly... I think would have a much rather a different story.

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Well the post title is a bit much.  Then again, everyone who has bought the game and experienced issues has a right to be upset, no doubt about that.  What it comes down to, is how effected each player was, and from what I can gather, it's players outside the UK and USA that seem to have the biggest issues overall.


That being said, the OP does deserve to feel anyway he wants about the game and issues he has experienced.  Not everyone is going to have the same exact issues or experience the same kind.  We should all be a little more open minded to these folks and allow them to vent.  It is only logical for players to attack 343i and Microsoft directly, seeing as how the previous Halo's didn't have this much trouble at launch when Bungie WAS handling the IP.  That is a fact you can't deny about the situation.

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The OP is being childish. This is a COLLECTION of FOUR MAIN HALO TITLES. How can you stoop so low and not understand that it's four times harder to develop proper networking when you put four games with different levels of advancement on a single CD?

And Bungie doesn't fare any better. Activision gave them 500 million to make Destiny. They royally screwed that up and have the balls to make a sequel. Please re-consider who you're being a fan of.

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Well the post title is a bit much.  Then again, everyone who has bought the game and experienced issues has a right to be upset, no doubt about that.  What it comes down to, is how effected each player was, and from what I can gather, it's players outside the UK and USA that seem to have the biggest issues overall.


That being said, the OP does deserve to feel anyway he wants about the game and issues he has experienced.  Not everyone is going to have the same exact issues or experience the same kind.  We should all be a little more open minded to these folks and allow them to vent.  It is only logical for players to attack 343i and Microsoft directly, seeing as how the previous Halo's didn't have this much trouble at launch when Bungie WAS handling the IP.  That is a fact you can't deny about the situation.

Yes people have the right to be upset and again I can understand why people who just bought the game would feel this way. But I think you have forgotten that people also have a right to be forgiving for 343i and at least give them a chance so they can come up with a valid alternative solution. Maybe some would disagree like yourself, but do you realise what it would be like if 343i had no support at all?

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To be honest,I don't see any reason to call 343Industries bad because of glitches & other issues.Like Caboose said,do you really think Bungie can do better?Also Destiny is full of b...........bugs.No offense.

I don't know how ppl can judge 343's second work (Halo 4 was amazing) just because of minor problems that will be fixed as always.Keep rockin' 343!

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