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Will the Juggernaut Customizing issue be fixed ever?


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I realize this is a small thing and not likely to be the top of anyone's lists of things they want fixed in Reach, but has anyone else tried to customize the Juggernaut settings only to find they can't use anything but a hammer and they are permanently stuck with that blazing helmet?


I've heard of people with some ideas and have one of my own for things that could be done with variations on the gametype but no way to implement :thumbdown:


So there it is 343... will that be adjusted in the near future or at least a possibility in H4 MP? :thumbsup:

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Agreed beyond any shadow of a doubt. I realize there would be a lot of development time involved but it would be awesome to have at least 2 forge worlds with their own brand of building blocks. Building your own personal Covenant ship interior that doesn't mysteriously look like Forerunner architecture would be fun.

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