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Halo 2 Anniversary: Inaugural Forge Contest


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Here's my entry. The name of the map is Stargazer. My gamertag is Nicnic1447. The map is diagonally symmetrical (each side is the reverse of the other) and was built on the Nebula canvas.

In-game description: 
This ancient Forerunner observatory has been transformed into a theater of war. [4-10 players]

Game modes supported:
King of the Hill, Oddball, Team Slayer, CTF.


(Sorry for the poor quality, I don't have a capture card XD).

Hope you guys enjoy! :D

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Due to ongoing issues with the Master Chief Collection's file share system (or rather, its lack thereof) the deadline for submissions is hereby extended until Friday, January 16th 2015 at 11:59PM EST. Please ensure that your maps are available for download in your fileshare at this time, and that your GamerTag is listed either on your profile or your submission post in order to facilitate judge access. The date that the winning maps will be announced remains unchanged.

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Copying Sikslik's format...


Map: 4 Leaf

Canvas: Awash

Gametypes: Slayer, and King of the Hill

Gamertag: SelfDestruct217




2x Sniper - 1 minute

(sub-basement: Red/Yellow & Blue/Green)

2x Shotgun - 30 seconds

(basement: Red & Blue)

2x Brute Shot - 45 seconds

(sub-top level: Green & Yellow)

2x Needler - 45 seconds

(top level: Green & Yellow)

1x Infected Sword - 1 minute

(ground floor: convergence)


I don't think the spawn times are right, so I can change it if it's not correct. The image for the map is also low quality, so sorry.




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Ration Center

Video link:

( Map has been edited since video was made, two of the zones have been removed from the team bases, grenades on map were lowered in amount, and the center pillar on the bottom center)


Ration Center is a completely symmetrical 4v4 arena style map. The map contains the dynamic feature of turning on and off multiple shields on the left and right hallways of the map. The shields are used for map control, and are extremely important on Team King of the Hill and CTF. The power weapons on the map are the center rocket launcher and the two swords in the center of the side hallways one red and one blue. Play on team king, CTF, Team Slayer and Ricochet.


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Ration Center

Video link:

( Map has been edited since video was made, two of the zones have been removed from the team bases, grenades on map were lowered in amount, and the center pillar on the bottom center)


Ration Center is a completely symmetrical 4v4 arena style map. The map contains the dynamic feature of turning on and off multiple shields on the left and right hallways of the map. The shields are used for map control, and are extremely important on Team King of the Hill and CTF. The power weapons on the map are the center rocket launcher and the two swords in the center of the side hallways one red and one blue. Play on team king, CTF, Team Slayer and Ricochet.

If you need to contact me do so on xbox live. My gamertag is MartianMallCop

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