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The Ultimate Mafia, 8.0 [GAME-OVER]


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Round 1, conclusion


 Scene 1, part 2: 


A strong cold breeze swept through the streets. A newly fallen leaf, misshapen & twisted, twirled through the air. It's familiar structure deceived a circling Falcon into giving chase. For an eternity they danced. The claws of the raptor nearly grasped the matter on numerous occasions, but not once did they make good on their threat. Eventually the leaf glided near a large courtyard surrounded by thick walls, and razor wire. The Falcon continued it's chase.


A figure cloaked in a familiar-but-distinguishable trench coat peeked over the massive wall. They pulled some sort of communication device from their pocket, and put it up to their mouth...


- - - - -

The air inside of the massive complex was warm, but empty. Originally, four suspects were handcuffed to their chairs (which were bolted to the floors) inside different interrogation rooms, and were consistently watched by a presiding officer. As the days passed the number of suspects dwindled until only one remained. In one of these rooms sat a grisly officer with sweat rolling down his neck. He loosened up his collar to increase airflow, "They wanted to make this easy on you-"


Rue slammed her fist into the table as hard as she could "I'M INNOCENT!! You're killing the wrong person!".


"Look lady. The law states that the prime suspect will be be executed once they are proved to have the largest stake in a murder. You were caught with the victim's helmet... which was covered in blood-"


Rue interrupted, "NO! I did not take that! Someone's framing me. I've told you this a hundred times!! I woke up and found it just laying there. The guy or whoever did the murder-"


The cop straightened his posture, and leaned forward, "-AND the helmet had your finger prints all over it. Not to mention that they were also inside the victim's apartment", he sternly pointed at her with scorn, "YOU were in there. YOU did it. YOU will pay for it. This session is over" the man stood from his chair and called outside. Four officers entered, and tried to restrain Rue. They couldn't hold her down.


"NOOOOOOOO!!!" Rue punched one of the officers in the gut, and kicked another in the groin. Each of the officers received a crushing blow. "That's it!", the interrogator pulled his nightstick, and slammed it across Rue's forehead. She went limp. Her connection to the chair was cut before she could wake to thrash about again. Each of the officers left with at least one broken rib.


2 days passed. Rue was given a single phone call. She was hit again for not releasing the phone. Soon after she was led out into a desolate courtyard. Her orange jumpsuit could have blinded bystanders, if there were any.


4 sunglass-wearing men clad in uniforms stood in front of Rue with... a different man at the side? An observer? A Falcon was hovering right above two large robotic entities behind the line of men. Rue saw the words "Yeti" and "Yang" embedded on each of their breast-plates as she was drug in. One of them, the Yeti one apparently, let out a bellowing cry, "Rue. You have been charged with the murder of Michael J. Caboose, and are sentenced to death. Do you have any last words?" A burly officer prepared his rifle while Rule stood chained against a large wooden pole. She slowly looked up as if she was going to respond.


"Go. To. Hell."


A leaf cut a path around the courtyard. It's surface collided strangely with a metal projectile. The Falcon stopped it's vendetta and flew away.


End of Scene 1, part 2


RueCivilian, Lynched


You have 48 hours until the next Round/Scene is posted.

Edited by Elf Destruct
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I voted entirely randomly. Literally used an RNG because in Round 1, there is literally no evidence. What logic can we employ when we know nothing? Now, I know that it's Yoshi or Frankenzer. The rest of you know that it's Yoshi, Frankenzer, or me. THIS allows the use of logic to some degree, if they re-appear on suspect lists.


Now I don't want you wasting a lynch on me, so if ten of you insist I will commit suicide.


You all seem quite angry, despite the fact that this is no different from any other time we've lynched a civvie in Round 1. Round 1 always starts with a vote cast on a hunch or randomness, followed by a large bandwagon.

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Exactly why I withdrew my vote, lack of evidence. Now we're down 2 civvies from the start of the game, things aren't looking good. At least we benefit from this somehow, tracking down the mafians will be easier for future rounds.


Whoops. Anyway I've been to busy to play this game and that will be the case until
This weekend when I go on break. So even if I was mafia I haven't had any connection with the crimes.


You were on the list, so anything's possible.

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