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The Ultimate Mafia, 8.0 [GAME-OVER]


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  On 12/21/2014 at 4:31 AM, The Director said:

I didn't know Bnus was the medic, but sweet. Too bad now he's going to have to use his medic powers on himself every round or the mafia will kill him, which makes him useless.

Nope. That means the Mafians waste one round killing me (or trying) instead of going for the detective. 

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Ledgend is the jail keeper, so....


Everyone withdrawal you votes to someone.


like Dexter grif....


Proof: The snitch showed me his/her pms. In one of the pms the jail keeper ( though Sd ) sent the snitch a message saying.


"Dear Snitch"





"Love, the Jailkeeper."


Other proof:


Ledgend< "Not really, I just wanted to troll the snitch. That was my only goal this game"

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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Finally I can say what happened behind the scenes without ruining anything! :D


The Jailkeeper used his ability to troll the Snitch and I never imagined the outburst that filled the pms and the game as soon as Delpen was confirmed Don.


For anyone who wanted to know what the message to the Snitch was


Dear Snitch
Love, the Jailkeeper.
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  On 12/21/2014 at 5:10 PM, Ledgend1221 said:

I can invite anyone to the PM if they want.

Except Blake.


Why is that? I don't see what you've got against me. I couldn't care less about being in the PM, could be full of unknown mafians anyway. I just don't see why you so easily trust others but have a grudge against me.


Edit: I withdraw my vote.

@Ledgend: Here is the message that influenced me to vote for you at first.




I now know that you aren't a mafian. Which side are you aiding?

Edited by Blake Belladonna
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