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The Ultimate Mafia, 8.0 [GAME-OVER]


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Round 4, conclusion


Scene 4, part 2



The personality of Nessus Alpha changed overnight. Barricades, and checkpoints surrounded the compound, and were constantly patrolled by squads of Officers with leading Sergeants. Legions of eyes watched over every nook and cranny of the City like hawks: making sure that no one was safe from scrutiny. Every car, transport, truck, or Officer attempting to get into & out of Alpha were searched. Sensors were set up in the doorways of Alpha with the intent of pinpointing Chameleon Masks.


The Government was not pleased with the sentries' ease of hack-ability, and the riots that ensued because of it. They ordered the Chief of Police to install better safeguards, or else the whole army would be scrapped.


Yeti, and Yang (the robots who instigated the riots in the city) were de-bugged, and put back into service with the other sentries. Multiple technicians updated the AI's internal security protocols, and increased the firewalls against hacking. After weeks of stress testing, the Sentries were finally allowed back into service with the Police, and were set up like watch-dogs around the complex.


A mechanical colossus standing atop a rooftop pointed it's non-lethal railgun forward, and locked it on a suspicious vehicle in a parking lot of a nearby hospital. Droning noises leaked, and the beast stepped forward. Yang-216 was inscribed on it's chest...


- - - - -


"-we've only just begun our curtain of terror. Look at what we've done to this city with just 5 people... what could happen next? The world's suppressed memory of the Mafians will be reawakened... and your precious infrastructure will crumble beneath our feet. This is not the age of conflict... this is the end of all ages..."



The Detective rewinded some box-recorder, and played the recording again. The men within the Chief's office listened carefully as the Chief discussed about the heist at the Bank a few weeks ago... excuse me I mean only three people were paying attention:



"Freaking mutants. I knew there was a secret room to that Meth lab in downtown. A whole genetics lab... But NOOO you just HAD to order us to leave before I could look behind the sofa", the Lieutenant took a small glass case containing a fledgling mimicking spider inside, and watched as it morphed into a miniature child, "We're lucky we can pinpoint these abominations. God knows how many of these things are already in the city..."


"Well Sherlock, one of the containers holding the damn eggs was dropped, and spiders were crawling all over the lab. I probably should have stayed just to hear you scream". Maverick laughed causing Andersmith to deck him in the arm: nearly dropping the spider-case. The Chief glared at the both of them.



Maverick leaned back against the wall nonchalantly, "At least you didn't have to mop up the hive in the tunnels under the Bank. The queen ripped off Carlos the Android's head, and it damn near took an arm, and a leg from the techis to get him back together."


"Well I never really liked Carlos anyway. He stole my sandwich, and lit it on fire in my locker..."


"What I want to know is why the Queen contacted the Cops in the first place. I mean it should have known we would have killed it on sight, right? Did it think we wouldn't have seen through it's mimic form? I'm not even going to ask how it got a job at the Bank..."


"You're mistaken. It didn't have a job there. It snuck in while all the commotion was happening outside. I think it called us because it didn't like the Mafians getting close to it's nest or something, and it thought it could have escaped."


"True. Luckily I killed the other queen in the hive before it could get away."


"You tripped over a wire, and the Queen fell into the pool the wire was electrocuting. You're clumsiness is what killed it, not your "Uber Skilz"."


"And where were you during all this? You said you wanted to stay outside because you were allergic to spiders, which the Doctor told us MULTIPLE TIMES you weren't!"


"Maverick, there's such a thing as a suppressed allergy in which it only comes out... at random times. I wanted to be sure that it didn't break out in the massive hive of spiders. Plus an exceptional man such as myself does not partake in "Worker-Class" matters."


"What the hell are you talking about, I'm a higher rank than you are!"


"Yet you let me sit outside while you could have been killed by the queen. Nice job, boss. Thanks for looking out for my well-being."



The Chief snapped at the two to shut-up, and snatched the glass-case from Andersmith. He sat it back onto the table, and addressed the Detective, "Are you sure you're alright?"


The Detective, obviously winded, didn't look up, "Yes, Chief, I'm fine. The soundwave from the bullet just knocked me out for a bit, and I got a few un-fatal cuts from the glass. The Medic on the other hand has a bruise the size of a potato on their face, and is in the hospital as we speak."


"Good... I think. Bnus better be glad to be alive. That mask, and energy shield of his saved his-"


"Wait, the guy is named Bnus? Seriously??", Andersmith broke out in laughter.


"No you idiot it's a code-name. All the Agents get them! I told you this like an hour ago, how did you forget?"


"Maverick, I barely even pay attention to what you say most of the time."


"Wow thanks, Andersmith. You passed the idiocy test with flying colors."


"Don't sit on your high-horse, Commander Clumsy."


"SHUT UP! How do you guys get anything done if you argue all the time? You start goofing off one more time, and I'm demoting you."


The two stooges let out a frightened "Yes sir".


"Now remind me why you're here?"


"Well we're the guys who discovered the hive at the Bank, and called it in, and you needed some info on it."


"Alright I already have all I need from you, so the both of you get out!!"


Andersmith and Maverick walked outside of the Chief's office, and immediately started bickering over which scotch is better...



"God they're lucky they're the rank they are. If I didn't need all the men I could get they would have been demoted a long time ago... Now onto this crap. Detective, so these Mafia freaks want to start something like the Sextillion Incident all over again? It certainly seems like it's already happening. So much for their "master plan"."


"They want you to underestimate them, Chief. The Boss was right. Look at what they've done to this city with only the small band of guys they have. If we don't stop these guys then it may end up worse than what happened in Sextillion."



"If you say so, Detective.", Chief took a manila folder from a case on the floor, and handed it to the Deputy Chief standing at his side. He then opened another folder, and spread some sheets onto the table, "The investigators over at Beta found the spent shell casings of the Mafians in the bank, and traced the bullets to a black-market arms dealer in Pholus, who was arrested. Pholus Alpha notified us of a witness to the murder of a Civilian a few nights ago by a masked man similar to the Mafians, and found that he was killed with the same bullets the Mafians used in the bank."


Chief slid a black tablet onto the desk, and pressed a button that projected a hologram of a van, "The witness also stated the Mafian left in a jet-black van, and a tip-off from a different witness noted the same van parked by a warehouse on the docks of Pholus. A squad was sent in, and found it to be a hideout for the killer. They got into a shootout, and the Mafian escaped-"


"I'm sorry Chief, but how is this relevant?"


"Well Detective, the Investigators found the Mafian's journal that highlights Agents as primary targets, and plans to begin an "Awakening" of the world to start the "End of all Ages" like the Boss said in the Bank. Some pretty cryptic stuff."


"If Agents are primary targets then why are they killing certain Civilians?"


"That's the thing. These Civilians aren't you're ordinary every-day people. There's a single connection between the people they execute: they're either former, or currently Agents, or have had a large experience with the Government. That Banker, Connor, that was killed by a Mafian in the city? He was a former Agent. Same for Axilus Prime. Micheal Caboose also tested some things for the Government."


The Detective crossed their arms, "So they're systematically hunting down Agents, former Agents, and people who have Government experience. Is it because they need something from them?"


"You're the Detective. You tell me.", the Chief's communicator made a beeping noise, "What is it, Colonel?"


"Sir, one of the Sentries brought someone in."


"And why does this concern me?"


"The man says he's one of the Mafians who robbed the Bank."


- - - - -


The Mafian sat within the interrogation room with a smug expression as his handcuffs dug into his wrists. Three Officers holding DTM/Law-Enforcement Shotguns stood behind the Mafian's chair, with another Officer standing by the door with an M45E Tactical Shotgun.


"This room smells like burnt bread.", one of the Officers behind the Mafian yelled at him to shut his mouth, and the former groaned.


The door opened, and the Detective walked in, "At-ease Officers. You three in the back can leave", the Officers grunted, and left the room as the Detective sat in a chair. They folded their arms on the table, and sat face-to-face with the criminal. The Mafian leaned back, and smiled...



"Detective! I wondered when I would get the chance to converse with you. You know your friends here are pretty big jerks."


"They're just doing their job."


"Well their job could be done a little more delicately in my opinion. You should see the bruises I got after they manhandled me into this crappy room."


"Cry me a river."


"With all the money I stole I could have built you a bridge too", the Detective laughed, "You know someone called me a comedian once, and said I should do stand up."


"I see why."


"In a different outcome maybe. Fate had other plans for me. Being a Mafian, and running a bunch of Casinos isn't easy you know."


"But killing people is?"


"I really don't want this conversation to go in this direction. I'd rather just argue semantics."


"I don't have all day, Mafian."


"Neither do I, Detective, but you don't see me complaining. I know my days are numbered. Back to your other point, killing people isn't easy. You kill, and suffer the consequences. If not now then later."


"Which is happening right now."


"Precisely, Detective."



Neither person responded to each other for what seemed like a few minutes. The Detective took a pen, and rolled it around in their hand. The Mafian suddenly became interested, "Am I boring you? I thought you said you don't have all day?"


"And I thought you said you didn't want the conversation going in that direction".


"I've changed my mind. Shoot."


"Why were you at the hospital?"


The degenerate put his hands on the table, and leaned forward, "Well if you must know, I went there for a check-up. Those freakish spiders at the Bank were pretty voracious. I also had a chat with a Medic as you know. The guy literally has a blue potato on his face."


"What happened when you left?"


"I was in my car when some huge robot walked over, and ripped off the door. The damn thing pulled me out, and dragged me here."


"What's the Mafian's beef with the Agents?"


"What about it?"


"You know."


"No I don't, Detective."


"Don't play stupid, Mafian. We know you're hunting Agents."


"Me? Stupid? Preposterous!"


The Detective let out a sigh, and tilted their head. The Mafian responded tactically, "You said you don't have all day. I can sit here coming up with nonsense responses all day if you want, Detective, but only if you don't ask the right questions."


"And what exactly is the "right question"?"


"You're a Thinker, Detective. Think about it. Their blood has imperfections..."



The Detective sat in their chair, and repeated the Mafian's response in their head. Many different questions lingered within the Detectives mind, but none of them seemed like they could be the right one... but then came a spark. They remembered the message kept within the Juice Box at the hotel, "Imperfections... Why do Agents have imperfect blood?"


"Ahhh NOW we're getting somewhere. Now that, Detective, is a right question."


The Detective leaned forward. The intensity of the conversation increased, "I was beginning to doubt if you had figured it out by now."


"So Agents have imperfect blood, and you need to kill them."


"I wouldn't say that, Detective. We... release them."




"The Government has done horrible things to try to keep order on this god forsaken planet. They've also done... other things. Things the Agents know about."


"So you need to know what they've done, and you kill them so they never tell anyone about their encounters with you Mafians?"


"That sounds a little edgy, but for the most part... yes that's the deal."


"And what are you prying from the Agents?", the pen on the table rolled, and nearly fell off , but was stopped by the Mafian's hand. The man pulled it back, and the pen disappeared.


"Knowledge about where the best shoes are sold, where the best coffee shops are, where the best Moa burgers are at. That kind of stuff."



The Detective stared at the Mafian.



"Detective you should have known I would have kept that kind of information to myself. I mean I'm not going to tell you EVERYTHING because I'm captured you know. It would be predictable of me to release all the juicy information before the plot fully unravels. A good story keeps the reader guessing, and does not reveal all the information from the beginning. You will know in due time."


"We don't have time, dammit!"


"You don't have all day. I don't either, but I'm not complaining.", the Detective let out a frustrated sigh, and stood from their chair, "Detective I wouldn't be telling you this if I didn't trust you. If some other Officer, or incompetent Investigator came in here jabbing a finger into my cranium I wouldn't have responded."



"What makes you think I'm going to survive to the end to hear your full plan? What makes you think I'm so important?"



"Because you're a Thinker. Thinkers think. If not you, then another Thinker. I know I'm going to die in a few days. You're lucky I'm telling you anything. I could have kept my mouth shut, but I didn't. You're special because you're not like the other freaks in this institution. You may be a disease, but a disease doesn't necessarily have to infect someone if it's controlled. It just needs a... conduit. The disease has some sort of primal intent to infect, but a Thinker thinks before they do. And that Detective, is what really matters."


"And what is a Thinker?"


"Now that, Detective, is THE right question. Nephalim, and Thinker are one and the same. Remember that."


The Detective didn't understand the Mafian's response.



The Mafian stood from his chair. His handcuffs fell off of his wrist, and landed onto the floor with a metal clang along with a dissected pen. The Detective instinctively pulled a Magnum from their holster... but stopped. The Officer by the door flung her shotgun up, and yelled words that the Detective phased out: almost as if time was stopping.


The Mafian stood steadfastly, un-wavered by the threatening Officer's words. He slipped his hand into the cracks of his jumpsuit as if he was going to pull something out... the Officer's anger could have melted a stick of butter into nothingness. The man in the orange jumpsuit quickly swung his hand out, and bounced wildly as buckshot pierced his chest. The man fell. His blood flowed into the crevices of the floor...



The Detective ran to the other side of the table, and looked down upon the Mafian as his life passed into the void...



The man lay with eyes closed, and a blissful smile. A Joker card lay between his thumb, and finger...



End of Scene 4, part 2



Delpen9, Boss, Lynched



You have 48 hours or less until Round 5 is posted

Edited by Self Destruct
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Round 5


Scene 5, part 1

Needles. Body Bags. Gurneys. Scalpels. The Doctors, and Nurses ran about the Hospital like bees in a beehive. Thousands of Civilians, suffering from differing symptoms, sat, or lay in countless rooms within the belly of the Building. Hundreds of volunteers assisted the Doctors, whose numbers weren't enough to care for everyone. The riots took a toll on the city like smoking takes a toll on your lungs... getting hard to breath with the lack of personal space.
Within all this was a man dressed in a black suit. No one cared why he was there. That was the way he liked it. The mask for which he was known to wear was absent: hiding in plain sight. Irises of blood searched. Room, after room, after closet, after corridor, after operating room whisked by. None of them had what he was looking for. Eventually he discovered a kiosk: a woman in a check-in desk was scribbling on some paper...


"Excuse me, ma'am? I've come to check in on someone."
She took the paper, and moved it aside, "Yes sir. Who is it?"
"Anthony H."
"Mmhmm", She scribbled on some paper, "Are you a relative?"
"Yes. I heard what happened, and came here from Pholus to see him as fast as I could."
"You're not listed."
"Well we... we had a falling out. I haven't seen him in years.", he looked down in a depressed manner.
"Ohh ok, I'm sorry. Follow the yellow line around the corner, and keep going. You'll see a room on the corner labeled 1909A."
"Thank you, miss.", he grinned, and walked away from the kiosk. The woman had a sense of deja-vu. The man's eyes seemed so familiar... she brushed it off and went back to work. He walked into the room to see the Medic on a hybrid of table, and bed. An iv attached to his arm pumped fluid into his system, but he could live without it. Bandages stuck in a weird pattern on his chest, and back, and wraps circled around the top of his head. The glass had dug deep, but the bullet had dug deeper. A potato sized bulge stuck out from the left side of his face.


"Hello, Anthony", Bnus woke with a start, and stared at the man. Who's this? "You don't know me?"
"Umm, no, I don't. Who are you?"
"Let me introduce myself. I'm with the Mafi-", Bnus reached for the distress button on his side, but the Mafian snatched it away from him, "Ah ah ah. You definitely wouldn't want to do that. Certain "Buttons" might be wired to do "Special" things. Oh and I also have this little gizmo", a Desert Eagle uncloaked, "You wouldn't want to start anything would you?"
"If the button does "Special" things then why did you take it from me?"

"If you want an explosion of certain areas of this Hospital then go for it. Be my guest", he handed the button back to Bnus, who held it with uncertainty. Was he bluffing? He didn't want to take that chance. He knew the Mafian would likely kill him for seeing his face, and prepared for the worst...


"What the hell do you want?"
"A talk", the man closed the door, and twisted the lock, "You know what I want to know, and I know what you want to know. Simple as that."
"I'm not telling you anything. Kill me. Don't waste my time with worthless talk."
"Who said I was going to kill you? I tell you I'm a Mafian and then you jump to the conclusion that I'm going to kill you like everyone else. What are you afraid of?", Bnus didn't answer, "I'm not going to bite."
"I know what you've done. Don't act like you're innocent."

"Innocence... you sound like a puppet. The marionette controlled by the Masterminder. Strings bore into your bones, and drag your flesh as you dance to the rhythm... Strings...", the Mafian moved his body erratically like a puppet. His hands downward by the force of gravity, "You think you're free, but they will always control you. Twisting your limbs to wave as they want."
"Rules are what keep us from slipping into chaos. We're not puppets."
"The Rules? Or the people making the Rules?", the Medic didn't understand, "Did you ever question why the Sentries were created? Masses of autonomous robots kept on a leash? What do you think they're used for? Did you ever wonder why the man shot you in the first place?"
"First off, the robots were created after you freaks went on a rampage. They're here to stop that from happening again. Second, the man shot me because he was an assassin. He probably wanted me dead for something I did, or knew."
"Is that the truth... or what they want you to think?"
"What are you babbling about?"
"What if I told you... that the Assassin was working for the Government?"
"Bull. He was rogue-"
"-Which is what they TOLD you.", Bnus didn't know how to respond, "The Government... did you ever wonder how they were going to get rid of us Mafians?", Bnus didn't respond yet again, "Sure, I'll tell you. You see the Government has Agents, like you know. Jailkeepers who can haul away important people to the Government for national-security. Judges who can sentence you to death, or prison without the paperwork... and the Assassin: a Sniper... or should I say Snipers? There are many, many more, but it would take forever to list them all."

"Why would they have Snipers?"
"To keep us from slipping into chaos. The Government is the one who makes the rules, and they are the ones who control the Police to enforce them... but they have their own personal pawns to twiddle between their fingers. People to plunge their hands into the dirt to do the dirty work. The Snipers are one of them."
"If he was working for the Government then why would he shoot me? I work for the Police..."
"Working for the Police excludes you from their law? No. The Government is the one who hired him to do the hit.", the Medic shook his head in disbelief, "He did it... because you were one of the individuals, who they calculated, that had the highest chance of turning against them. They have everyone's genetic results on a silver platter, and they poked and prodded until they discovered a connection. They discovered the key to betrayal. The key to turning into a Mafian. And you were one of the people who had the key locked within their minds."
"This sounds like a load of crap.", Bnus rolled his eyes.
"It may be, but it's the truth. Being a Mafian is not a choice. It's a genetic restructuring. You don't just decide to become one. People break your mind, and unlock the key that forcefully turns you into one. The red irises are a sign of this. I know, because they did this to me... and it is beautiful."
The Mafian leaned forward in his chair. The Medic showed interest, "The Government did early experiments with kidnapped test subjects in research of a mysterious area of the Human genome... the key was discovered during these tests, and the meddling of it set the subjects loose. Freed their minds. These people escaped, and became the first Mafians. The Government, knowing the implications of what this could mean if the public found out, covered it up. They initiated a system to find, and destroy anyone who has the key to becoming a Mafian. No one was safe. Even their families, and friends."
"They didn't know how powerful the Mafians would become years later. The Sentries were already being worked on before the Sextillion Incident, but the progress increased after it was over. They were created solely to find, and condemn people who have the keys, but their programming didn't unleash that primal side until the Government remotely activated it. It could be tampered with by hacking though, like what happened during the riots weeks ago. They were covered with the peace-keeping program to make sure the Police didn't question their motives."

"And where did this key come from?"
"They were unsure. Some say unknown elements on this planet caused a mutation within select Humans, and gave them the key. Others say the Government spread a test liquid into the atmosphere that surrounded the planet, and mutated the people into obtaining the keys: just like how the old United States of Earth had high-altitude nuclear tests hundreds of years ago. "Starfish Prime" is what they called one of these tests. The result of Starfish was the crippling of 1/3rd of all Satellites within low-Earth orbit, and created artificial radiation belts that stuck for years in the atmosphere. These kinds of tests "Forward Humanity's Progress", but mostly serve to destroy the ecosystem."

"Why are you telling me this? Why should I believe you?"
"I have nothing left to lose, Bnus. That's why I came un-masked. You also don't have to believe the truth. You do whatever you want with this information. I took the liberty of recording all of this on this drive. Here, take it", the Mafian pulled a small rectangular flash drive from his pocket and handed it to the Medic, who took it reluctantly, "I'm not here to kill you. Just to offer you a way out if you want it."
"I'm not joining you."

The Mafian let out a sigh, "They will always be after you because of the key. You will never be safe."
"It does not mean you Mafians are the good guys."
"Neither is your Government. We're the revolutionists. The people will know what happened soon enough, and the men who created us will be brought to justice. The new order... is about to begin... and everyone will know the ecstasy of being a Mafian. Of being truly free. Goodbye, Bnus. I have a date with a Sentry. Being the Boss of the Mafia has it's perks", The man stood from his chair, and walked to the door: bringing the distress button with him, "Oh. If I even see the slightest inkling that you've told them I'm here... I will press this button."


The man disappeared from sight. Bnus stared into the open doorway, and wondered if what just happened really happened... if only the flash drive hadn't of been in his hand... if only the truth didn't hurt so much...
The Boss twisted around the hallways. His face showed the signs of a man who has let go... The snow fell on his shoulders as he walked outside. A metal being atop a building a ways away stared at him with cold intent. He walked over to his car, opened the door, sat in a seat, lit a cigarette, and coughed uncontrollably the first few seconds. He doesn't even smoke. Loud footsteps could be heard getting louder with every passing second...

- - - - -

The Detective stood atop Nessus Alpha looking out at the city. The night showed it's true beauty: the entire spectrum of color could be seen everywhere. Trading the galaxies, and nebulas of the sky for artificial light on the rock-world. It was nearly enough to cover the Detective's inner thoughts... Thinkers... Nephalim.... offspring of the "Sons of God". What could it mean?


A hand suddenly lay itself on the Detective's shoulder, scaring them, "AGH! Medic, you scared the crap out of me!", Bnus pulled away as the Detective swung at his leg: both of them laughing. Another person, a Snitch, appeared from one of the roof's many doors, and joined the two on the edge.
"It's beautiful eh? The city. Sometimes I wonder how something as expansive as this was created by creatures as feeble as us."
"Oh yeah, feeble all right", a punch was thrown at Bnus' leg, and he recoiled in pain, "We're even."
"Aaaag cramp! Damn you!", Bnus hopped around the building as the other two faced each other. Their masks reflected the light of the city like diamonds.


"You're the Snitch, right? Nice to meet you.", the Detective shook hands with the other masked person, "How did you know that Delpen9 was the Boss?"
"I have my ways. If it weren't for the damn Jailkeeper we would have gotten him the first time. You know Delpen9 is such a weird codename..."
"Yeah. We all have some pretty weird names..."
"You're the one who interrogated him, right? What did he say?"
"Well I'm one of them. He said he would only talk to me, so they got me in there. He barely said a word to the others."
"So... what did he say?"


The Detective looked off to the city, "Before he died... he told me... that he was hunting down the Agents to find out what they know, or to get something from them. He also told me... that I was a "Thinker". A "Nephalim". Nephalim are the children of the "Sons of God", but it doesn't make sense."
The Medic stopped rubbing his leg, and walked forward: suddenly interested, "Wait, what did you just say? He said you were a Nephalim?"
"Yeah? What about it? OH yeah he said he talked to you. What did he say to you? You know I never asked you if you were alright."
"I'm fine. They released me from the hospital a few days ago. The Police even gave me a new mask. Anyway onto what he told me... I... um...", the Medic hesitated, and the others became concerned.


"He didn't do anything to you, did he?"
"Oh no, definitely not. He just said some things that I don't think I should be telling you."
"Medic, this is important. We NEED to know."
"Fine. Um... let's get into my car, and go to my apartment. The roof of a building ripe with hundreds of eyes, and ears is not a very good place to tell you at", the other two agreed, and followed the Medic down the stairs from the roof. They winded throughout the halls, and came to the checkpoints at the doors: waving their ID cards. The security maintained full view of the three as they walked into the parking lot...


The Sentries atop the buildings watched the three leave in the SUV, and looked on as they turned the corner. Numerous streets, stop-lights, and roads flew behind them as they neared the source. After about half an hour they came to the destination: the Apartment District in Downtown Nessus. Bnus' apartment was sandwiched between thousands of others that looked just like it. The inside was clean, and well-maintained. Nothing was out of place, and nothing was dirty... except for the two who dragged mud onto the tiles.

"Take those damn boots off, please. I waxed those floors when I got home, and I don't need you getting crap all over it."
"Nice digs", the Snitch looked down upon some family photos, and Bnus quickly hid them in a counter, "We're here, so get to it."
"Go sit at the table, and I'll make some coffee. Then I'll tell you", the other two happily obliged, and seated themselves at the medium-sized table in the middle of the kitchen. The high-top swivel chairs were incredibly comfortable. After a few minutes three cups of Café Mocha were placed, and the three Police-Agents sipped away.


"So", the Detective took a sip, and placed the cup back on the table, "What did he tell you?"
Bnus didn't reply immediately, but sat back swirling a spoon in his coffee. He looked up to see the Snitch, and the Detective intently staring at him, "Alright... the Boss told me... that the Agents were working for the Government."
"We know that."
"No... he said the Assassin was one of them."
"That's impossible. Why would they hire someone to kill you?"
"That's exactly what I said. He told me that the Mafians weren't just volunteers, or rogues. They were made to be that way genetically. The Government Scientists found a "key" in the Human genome that, when unlocked, turned people into Mafians: chaos-bearing freaks hell bent on destroying the Government. He also said that select people in Scylla's population were born with this key. It was something that was already in the population before the tests, but the Government unleashed it."
The Snitch, and Detective looked at each other doubtfully, but continued to listen, "The Government then tried to cover it up, but it was too late. Some of the test subjects that had their keys unlocked escaped, and became the first Mafians. The Government already covered up the tests, but the Mafians rampage years later sent a message to the world of their existence. The Sentries, and Agents were then commissioned to destroy the Mafians before they became too powerful again-"
"Alright, stop. This is getting ridiculous. How do you expect me to believe any of this is true? This was told to you by a crazy Mafian..."
"Yet you're obviously flustered about what the Boss told you too", the Detective clenched their fists, "He told me I didn't have to believe him, and I'll tell you that as well. You know I'll just let you listen to what he said personally", the other two didn't understand what he was talking about. A drive was pulled from the Medic's pocket, and placed on the table.
"Bnus... what the hell is that?"
"He said he recorded our entire conversation on it"
"What makes you think that's a recorder? It could be a bomb for all we know!"
"One way to find out", the Medic quickly pressed the button on the center of the stick before the Detective or Snitch could react. A hologram of the Mafian's face projected from the drive, and it began to talk... puppets, starfish, rules. Everything the Mafian said fell into the ears of the three. The level of doubt seemed to fall with every word... after an hour of re-winding, the Medic asked the Detective one of the right questions...
"Detective... he told you that you were a Nephalim. What if he meant that you had a key? The Assassin tried to kill me because I had one of them... What if... being a Nephalim or a Thinker... is to have a key? The key to becoming a Mafian?"
"It would make sense with all the religious crap they pull", the Snitch pointed out.
"The Government... the Sentries... It was all a lie... if I'm a Nephalim then I could become a Mafian..."
"No. Detective, you can't let that happen. If you do they'll win."
"But what for? The Government is just as bad as the Mafians..."
Bnus expressed urgency with his hands, "If we don't do anything then the people will pay for it. He's said something about an "Awakening", and things about an Apocalypse multiple times, right? What if the Mafians are going to start something bigger than what happened in Sextillion? What if they're going to convert people with the keys on a mass scale? It will destroy civilization on Scylla as we know it. Hell it might even challenge the UNSC."


The Detective thought to theirself for a moment... Nephalim... Sons of God... there has to be more to it, "Medic... do you remember all the commotion about that "Ring" thing a couple years ago?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Do you remember what happened?"
"Some huge ring weapon created by some ancient race exploded because of some dude named "Mister Chief" or something. That's all I know."
"Ancient race... what were they called?"
"Um...", the Medic thought to himself, and searched his thoughts for the answer, "Forons? Foremonner?"
"...Forerunner. The Mafians might consider Forerunners as Gods, and call themselves Nephalim because they're the "Offspring of the Sons of God"," the Medic, and Snitch leaned forward. The signs of doubt had all but left each of their faces.
"What if... the Mafians are trying to find another weapon like the Ring on Scylla to start the "Awakening of the World to begin the End of All Ages"? What if they're going to use the weapon against everyone: including the UNSC?"
The Medic raised his hand to add to the theory, "And they're hunting the Agents to find out where the weapon is hidden! Like the Government knows where it could be!"
The Snitch chimed in, "And after the Government, UNSC, and Covenant have been destroyed, the new race of Mafians created from the population of Scyllans with keys will control the galaxy!"
The three sat back in their chairs sweating. The gravity of the situation fell on them like a freight train. None of them knew how they were going to stop this... The Medic, scratching his head, stood, "I'mmm getting another cup of Coffee. Wow. I... I don't even."
"How the hell are we supposed to stop this? We're just three people! And we're not going to get help from the Government since they want to kill us and all..."
"I know how", the Detective plucked the flash drive from the table: getting ready to reveal their plan... but something was wrong. The lights dimmed, and flickered. The three stood looking outside as the lights of the entire block flashed on, and off. A black van could be seen approaching from down the street...

"Guys... you know the Boss was all polite to you and all that, but now that we know their plans... how do we know they're not going to try and kill us?"
The Medic, and Detective looked at the Snitch, and then at each other. The three darted to the back room of the apartment as the van neared...
"You said something about those black vans before! It's the damn Mafians!!", the Detective followed the Medic into the basement, "We have to get out of here NOW."
"Hold on. I've got something that might take care of this..."
"What are you talking about? LET'S GET THE FREAKING HELL OUT OF HERE!!!"


The Detective grabbed Bnus by the arm, and pulled him and the Snitch out the back door as the van pulled into the parking zone. He pulled a large rectangular device from his vest, "The hell is that?"
"A 10U-FF-SABoTEUR Energy Shield Generator-"
"What?! I already have a Shield Generator-"
"NO, not like one of those. This thing overloads the electronics of the ENTIRE power-grid of the city, and generates an impervious shield around everything."
"How is that even remotely possible? How do you know it'll work with all the lights flickering?"
"I have no damn clue, but we're about to use it!", the Detective nearly slammed a fist into the button, but the Medic stopped it, "What are you doing?"
"This thing generates a shield around everyone, right? How many times can you use it?"
"Um... a few times."
"Why don't you save it until later when the Mafians go destroying everything?"
"I'm sure we could use it again... after a couple weeks."
"WE DON'T HAVE A COUPLE WEEKS!! Give me that!", the two grabbed the device, and struggled to gain control over it. The Snitch, not wanting to be left out, grabbed it as well, and the three stood in the back-yard fighting over a box that they just found out about 2 minutes ago... the Mafians had entered the apartment, and were searching for them at this point.


The Detective tripped, dropped the generator onto the concrete. A loud droning noise erupted from some crude speakers duck-taped to the sides...
"What is it doing?!"
"I think we just activated it..."
The Medic, Detective, and Snitch simultaneously shouted "SON OF A-"


The lights of the entire city flashed off, and draped everything in darkness for a few seconds. Then came the storm. Lightning erupted from every wire, and arched across everything. A thick dim yellow beam of energy surrounded the gates, cars, buildings, skyscrapers, poles, dogs, people, and everything that was in contact to the ground outside of a building. Nothing could be destroyed, but cars, and things not attached to the ground slid like they were on ice. A massive game of bumper cars could be seen on every street of the city... Every Skyscraper, and building was surrounded by the Shield: making sure that no-one could leave.
A car crashed into the gate in front of the three slipping Schemers: opening it, and ricocheted off into a garbage truck. The Adults inside the cars were experiencing a combination of confusion, fear, and anger all at the same time while the children screamed in glee as if they were on a roller coaster.

The Mafians inside the apartment were dumbfounded, and watched the chaos unfold. The Juggernaut, however, repeatedly smashed against the energy... Bnus slid on the ground on his face, and Snitch flew into the Detective, "Guys, try to slide out of the gate!"
"If you're thinking I'm going to play chicken with a few thousand cars you've got a-"
"No the Shield will protect you! Get as far away from here as possible, and when it stops we'll meet again! Just go!"
The Detective grabbed the Shield Generator, and the three each accelerated into the streets in different directions: flying around like pinballs. The Juggernaut inside the apartment roared with rage, and flung his fist into a wall...

- - - - -

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!?!", the Juggernaut flipped over a table, and kicked it in half, "Where did they get tech like that?"
The Hacker, and the two other Mafians sat in crude folding chairs deep inside the bunker: obviously some sort of joke seeing exquisite quality chairs, and seating were in the next room... The Hacker took a tablet from a table behind them, and examined a picture of the generator, "Old war tech it seems. Why the UNSC didn't have these during the Covenant invasion I'll never know, but it's highly advanced..."
"We should have gotten them. They know."

One of the regular Mafians took a cigar from their pocket, and put it up to their mouth, "The Boss definitely wouldn't have liked this."
"It's not the end of the world... at least not yet. Soon everyone will know. We continue as planned.", the geek pulled a fedora with a stripe from a hanger on the wall, and placed it on their head as their eyes shone blood red. A Desert Eagle with a tribal engraving was placed in the holster on their waist.

"Enlightenment will comet to all. Some sooner than others", someone in the next room screamed, and the Hacker looked over as if addressing them.

The door to a small dimy lit room was opened, and a beaten figure sat tied to a chair. Operating tools, and medical supplies placed erratically... varieties of blood splatters on the stone floor...



A scalpel dug into the skull of the prisoner. The gate unlatched: the key about to be found...



"Time to cut the strings..."



End of Scene 5, part 1



Detective uses their Ultimate Ability: Saboteur. The Mafian's Execution target is saved from death


Hacker uses their Ultimate Ability: Brainwash. A unconfirmed, and alive Civilian is now a Mafian



Blake Belladonna





You have 48 hours to vote who dies

Edited by Self Destruct
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Well we all know I'm confirmed as the Medic (this was confirmed back in Round 3 when The Director tried killing me but I protected myself)


and while I 100% suspect Blake and Santazer of being Mafians........................


I vote Blake Belladonna


If you are Pro-Town then vote for Blake. This message was brought you to by the medic of Pro-Town: Bnus





If ANYBODY tries voting me and I am going to die. I WILL use my ultimate.


So don't even think about it Dexter or Blake ;)

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I created a neat little FAQ as to why Pro-Town has chose to vote the blake


Why are we voting Blake Belladonna you might ask?

The answer is simple. Despite being told otherwise by CONFIRMED Pro-Town members. He chose to vote for the innocent Connor Kenway instead of voting off Mafian Dexter Grif(if you're a confirmed Pro-Town member and you are in the Pro-Town PM we can indulge you in further details)

Blake chose to disobey what confirmed members of Pro-Town said(including me and other ghosts) and then went to proclaim that he is Pro-Town. Blake voted for Connor. Who else voted for Connor? Two Mafians Delpen and Dexter, and The Director(who is the neutral Sniper)


Why should we trust you?

I have already been confirmed as the medic in round 3. I am a Pro-Townian. It is against the rules for me to help the enemy team and I want to win.


What if you are wrong?

There is always the chance I am wrong. If I am then the bright side is that we helped narrow the list down to two suspects. This is all in good fun. If Blake is innocent then that sucks for us but we're already at a disadvantage. 


I am going to vote you instead because reasons!

Well you must be Blake to do that, or a Mafian. Thats fine this plan is meant to expose more Mafians. If it ends up being that I am going to die by lynch I will merely use my ultimate in the process. I will still die, but go out with quite the Mafian-stalling bang.


*all votes are subject to change if new evidence or more substantial evidence crops up detailing that Yoshi1176 or Santazer*






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