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The Ultimate Mafia, 8.0 [GAME-OVER]


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Effort? I really actually tried this game to help Pro town and I did. :)


No point in fighting a fight already lost, that was our last shot at winning, and we didn't so we may as well start signing up for the next one.


I know when im beaten.


I know you're already beaten, but pro-town may as well go down with a fight. I'd personally try and take out as many mafians as possible. There's a difference between losing on a small scale, and losing on a big scale.

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I know you're already beaten, but pro-town may as well go down with a fight. I'd personally try and take out as many mafians as possible. There's a difference between losing on a small scale, and losing on a big scale.

Can we at least work together and lynch The Director? We need some fun before the game is over

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Down with the Director? Well we won't gain anything and mafia still win. But sure.


And by the way pro town, I purposefully screwed this over for us with the Dexter Grif situation. It's kind of funny, I wanted Connor dead. ^_^

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Round links:



Round 7


Scene 7 part 1

To shield innocence from the Mafian's wrath... the Detective, and Medic destroyed the very thing keeping them safe: the power grid. Detective's Saboteur cloaking overloaded the system (with a slight chance it could recover), and the Medic's tampering of the same device (renamed "Sacrifizzle") crippled it: preventing it from being resurrected for at least a month. Residents all over the city tore themselves apart, and what little remained of the Police & Sentinel forces tried to maintain order desperately. Support from the nearby Military Bases wouldn't even be close to the city for days.
A congregation shrouded in shade. A hub bathed in desolation... which party was the cause of this? The Mafians... the Neutral Government Agents... or the "mighty" Protowns?
Each day the Mafians neared ever closer to the ultimate source... Dwindling numbers of people are left with hope to stop them.

- - - - -


The pious inquisitor looked upon the city with awe, and seemingly addressed all of civilization, "Decadence was your downfall... the outcasts will have their revengeance!". His skin was orange from the twilight of the impending night.
"We've found the source... Boss", the Mafian revealed, "All we need is a ticket there."
4 Mafians stood atop the tallest metal obelisk in the city. A dead man, kin to their kind, was sprawled on the edge, "Yes. The Tether. Our Shuttle will arrive shortly.", he turned to his original position, "Pure luck it could withstand the Protown's foolish attempts. Guarantees our ascendance.", he looked down upon the corpse, and crouched, "You could have been so much more... Bnus. Look at you now", he grasped Bnus by the collar, and held him high. Hacker looked into the hazed eyes, "The ramparts you've guarded so dearly have degenerated. Resistance was futile, and you knew it... yet you fought. Your seat in the afterlife was assured... if only you had joined us. Farewell, old friend."
Cadaver was released. It descended quickly to the bottom. It couldn't even be recognized anymore.
A shuttle approached, and the 4 eagerly waited it's arrival. It hovered into place just above the surface. They shuffled into it's interior... and 2 came crashing out, "AHHHHH!! What?!."
Two quarreling souls lay on the concrete: A woman in uniform, and a Mafian: the pilot. The Hacker held the other two inside the ship back, and yelled at the fallen over the loud sound of the engines, "Even on the eve you are defiant! Relinquish your qualms, and succumb to true life! Maybe then we will show mercy!", he called to the Mafian, "If she does not comply... kill her!", the shuttle side-door closed, and it accelerated in the direction of Nessus's Space Elevator.
"You're persistent. I'll give you that one", the winded Mafian stood, and ripped off a torn harness, "I'll spare you from a beating ONLY if you join us. Simple.", the woman, now standing, didn't answer, "Come on! Give me something!"
"No. HELL no. What kind of question is that? You killed my friends, my colleagues... and you expect me to join you? What kind of ignorant question was that? Are you so blinded by "ascendance" that you've resorted to stupidity? Do you really think what you're doing here is right??"
"Listen, lady. I don't think you've grasped what it is to be Mafian: we're outlaws. No matter what we do... we'll ALWAYS be enemies of the state. The Government! We WANTED normal lives... but NO ONE will EVER allow that for us. We can't just hide in any city, and act like normal people... The only choice we have is revolution, or exile, because we are continuously hunted for the way we are. It's not about doing what's right... it's about laying the groundwork for a future for us. If civilization has to be the scapegoat for us to succeed... then so be it. I always hated the Government, and everyone else anyway. Let it burn.", he reached both of his arms behind his back, and grasped two short curved blades on a holster, "I'll give you one more chance, Ash. If you're not with us... you're against us."
Ash unsheathed a combat knife from her leg, and raised her hands mid-level, "I would have chosen exile."
An epic stand off. The two, on each side of the roof, faced each other while holding knives tactically: unmoving. Cold wind swamped the battered complexes in the massive technological mesh. A war for superiority on every street. Flames seared the broken glass, and scarred bodies that littered the ground. A horribly mutilated body was impaled on a large pole in a courtyard at the base of the tower...
Begin. Clash. Clang. Sparks flew in the air. Each contender held a good streak of skills that outmatched the average fighter. The Mafian was surprised that a Snitch was very adept at CQC, and Ash respected the Mafian's exceptional prowess. Neither of them seemed to want to outright kill the other, but wanted to see the full extent of the other's skills... and so they sparred atop the building for sport. The Mafian knew at some point that he would have to kill the woman, but knew full well that he would regret the action. But orders are orders.
After a few minutes the snakes backed off, and into their spots from the start of the match. Equal were the amount of cuts, and bruises. The Mafian wiped blood from his lip, "Exemplary...", he breathed heavily, "You know that Sarge fellow was pretty good at CQC too. He lasted for a while, but only because I enjoyed the fight we had... but eventually I had to end him. Don't let his mistake be yours."
"I took classes... when I joined. For your question... No.. I've made my choice. I'm ready to die... are you?", Ash made a last gasp for breath, and re-steadied her stance. The Mafian didn't want to, but steadied himself as well.
The fight intensified, and the methods of the fighters became more brutal. Ash slashed the Mafian's back, and with a cry he returned by punching her cheek. She recoiled, and deflected his blade. Blood was everywhere...
Finale. Relentless blows were traded. The cuts dug deeper. The Mafian, finding an opening in Ash's defenses, swung his knife, and slid it deep between her ribs. She cried out in pain, and thrust her fist into the Mafian's chest. She pulled the knife out, and threw it back at the owner, who swiftly dodged. He swung again, Ash ducked, he kneed her in the face, and she fell onto her back. He leaped down, and carved a channel into the concrete.
The fight continued like this for at least a minute... but the end was nigh. In the commotion of the flying fists, the Mafian was unable to block an unpredictable punch. It knocked off his mask... or should I say her mask. Ash gawked at the Mafian..., "What?! You're a girl!? Wait... I know you! You're-"


The Mafian swung her head back, and let long flowing hair whip out into the wind. Her eyes, a glowing crimson, peered at the other, "That's right... I'm the god damn Batman!!!".


With a final jab, the Mafian jumped forward, and knocked the weapon from a startled Ash's palm. The semi-crescent blade turned, and drilled deep into her heart. The knight without depravity felt an ache like no other. She slowly fell to the ground, and watched the sky turn to black. Stars, and cosmic entities, no longer kept at bay from the lights of the city, blossomed in the night. She watched them glimmer as her life faded away...
The Mafian known as BATMAN stood gripping her arm, and watched Ash close her eyes. The reaper's finger pointed straight down through the lifeless body. She radioed the other Mafians, and the shuttle was dispatched back to the pickup zone.

What hope for survival does Protown have left?



Ash, Snitch, Executed by Mafia.




The Director





You have 48 hours to vote who dies.




Role Status:



Edited by Self Destruct
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"The Mafians then realized how much they wanted the Director Dead as well. So they and the pro townies made a new Thanksgiving soon after the New Year, one that would celebrate coming together for gud food, and to remember the most brutal killing of wretched Sniperz. Peace was restored, and everybody lived happily after."


The End.

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