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The Ultimate Mafia, 8.0 [GAME-OVER]


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I could post it today if everyone wants.


Sounds good.


Blake..you have escalated things. Tossing around the word "innocent" so much that it makrs me and other wonder some things. But I'm not going to voice my opinion, I was  simply saying that you have been constantly been very defensive over the idea of innocence. Let's have everyone think on that.


You realise what you said makes no sense? You brought something out of no where, I can't make any sense of what you have typed.


How have I escalated things? I gave you a full detailed response earlier, you haven't countered one point. Is it because you can't? If you can, then go ahead.

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Sounds good.



You realise what you said makes no sense? You brought something out of no where, I can't make any sense of what you have typed.


How have I escalated things? I gave you a full detailed response earlier, you haven't countered one point. Is it because you can't? If you can, then go ahead.

I not going to go on with such a suspicious person such as yourself Blake. I know where my vote will be going next time.

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And I quote my friend, Blake, "I not going to go on with such a suspicious person such as yourself Blake." If that is not stop, I'm not sure what universe you live in. 


And Axilus, It is my first time playing the game, so if I sound a bit too hostile, I apologize. 

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Guys, we have to start voting with sense here or we won't win at all

We've won games with the first two rounds being crap before. So no one give up in the slightest.


However, Round 3 is certainly important. If we can't kill or catch a Mafian this round, the loss will be incredibly difficult to recover from.

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Round 1







Round 2








Round 3


Scene 3, part 1



The AI in charge of watching the Sentries of the Police Nessus Alpha had to constantly keep itself busy, or slip into rampancy. This AI, Manticore, was entwined in it's thoughts about the sentries while a mysterious figure lay prone in the shadows...



"...the sentries have many similarities to the Terracotta Army in the Lintong District in China, Earth:"


"Both armies sit unnervingly still: for humans that is."


"Both armies stood battle ready - carrying with them the tools of war (the only difference being the technological contrast between the two, and the terracotta's weapons have mostly rotted into oblivion or were looted by robbers)."


"Both armies were dull, and lacked any color. Though the Terracotta were said to be covered in colorful paints, but they have long since eroded away."


"Both armies displayed significant individuality between each soldier/sentry. No terracotta soldier, or robotic sentry had the exact same facial features, or upper armor plates as another."


"Both armies, if disturbed, could... erupt, but in different ways. The Terracotta were frail structures, and could be easily destroyed. The Robotic Sentries on the other hand immediately go online if they detect any unauthorized personnel within the vicinity of this bunker. They then would be allowed to use force to detain the intruder. The Police are lucky to have these structures on their side... but that is where the similarities end."


"Unlike the terracotta, the sentries could be reprogrammed to fight against their creators, or to do numerous other things. Many of the sentries malfunctioned during the first stages of their program (which was going on before the "Sextillion Incident", but accelerated after it's end), but have mostly not done so in years. Currently the percentage of a sentry malfunctioning is set at 0.00001% (if there are no outside factors)... but the percentage of a sentry being reprogrammed is set at 10.5%."


"Each of the sentries were individually assigned random names along with their service number. For example, sentries could be called "Kansas", "Aurora", "Elephant", "Scyscraper", and even "Bilge Rat". The Directors of the sentry program felt that these names gave a sense of unpredictability to the robots against would-be-criminals, and-"



Just then a figure walked in front of the AI's central console. Manticore stopped it's thought processes, and addressed the intruder. The vast army of sentries stirred behind them, "Excuse me sir. Unauthorized personnel are not allowed in- oh I am terribly sorry Officer Jenson. Do you need assistance?"


Jenson glared down upon the AI's seeing camera, "Why yes Manticore. I'm just here to check up on the Sentries."


"Do you have the clearance?", Jenson flashed a maintenance card in front of the camera, "Access granted. I will be here if you need anything, Officer Jenson."



The Cop turned to face the robots. His eyes darted around as if they were looking for something... Jenson patrolled down the isles past each of the lines of robots, and stopped on Row 800b. On the edge sat two particularly menacing robots: designated Yeti, and Yang.


The Cop reached into his back pocket, and pulled out two small circular discs. Each of these were placed on the chests of the two sentries. Small sparks flashed underneath the robot's armor plating...



Jenson's face shimmered slightly as he exited the bunker.


- - - - -


"So someone sneaked into the sentry bunker... OUR sentry bunker, and reprogrammed two sentries... who exited the building - since they are allowed access outside after all. They then start walking up, and down the downtown district, and come into contact with a couple hipsters, who reprogram the AI's priorities into instigating a lynch mob. Eventually they steal a few Police Squad Cars, and escort a kidnapped child into a courtyard... where she somehow dies by falling into a pot of gravy... THEN a Civilian calling themself "Arachny" was shot to death by a Mask-wearing individual who declared themself a Mafian! This story is ludicrous. NO, it's outrageous!"


The Detective stood by the Commissioner of the Police, intensively listening. The human's face expressed great sadness, but this did not show on the outside due to their mask.


"AND at the same time the intruder "Cop" impersonated an interviewer, proceeded to interview an Agent: namely a Judge, inside of a locked sound-proof room. They then get into a brawl, the Judge dies, the intruder spreads blood all over the wall, they escape our heavily guarded facility, and the body count rises to 2... no 5 if you count the lives that were lost in the massive lynch riot!"


"I won't even mention all the people that were injured during that loon-fest... Detective... do you have ANY idea how enraged I am at this?! This should NOT have happened! We're the god damn Police Nessus Alpha! Do you know what this means for the other Complexes?! Do you know what this means for the Sentry Program!?"


The Detective didn't respond.


"I... I don't even know what to do right now. We've already got the Feds getting involved due to the "Malfunctioning Sentries", and there's rumors that the entire robot program is getting shut down... those people... I know the civilians are angry about the murders the last few days, but this was out of line. I mean we've got four major suspects for all of this in custody: even the person who apparently shot the civilian in the riot. It's just dandy that a different suspect just HAD to be taken away by a Jailkeeper Agent... even though our Snitch told us they were shady. This just gets better and better..."


"Detective... I... just leave my office please. I'll deal with you later. Go look at the crime scene and see how it's going: I need to be alone for a while."


The Detective paused for a moment, and left the Commissioner's office. The Commissioner sat down in his swivel chair, and turned to look out of the window. Row after row of Police, and Military vehicles surrounded the parking lot outside. Three Agents entered his office, and he turned to address them.



The Detective walked down the crowded hallways of Nessus Alpha. Military Police, and Officers were everywhere, and the intensity of their presence increased as the Detective walked closer to the scene. A masked Agent like himself/herself walked up beside the Detective, and the two exchanged conversation as they neared the scene:


"So it's as bad as they say, huh?", the Medic uneasily asked.


"Yeah. This is making waves throughout the city. Hell maybe even the planet!"


"Damn...", the Medic wiped some grime off of their mask, "The intruder got in using one of the Chameleon Masks... more advanced tech than what we have, but the same kind of mask."


"So they can mimic anyone? What does it mean for the Masked Agents like us?"


"I... don't know. Detective... I think I'm being watched..."


"Don't kid with me, Medic."


"No! I'm being serious! I keep seeing some... figure atop the buildings watching me! I think it's an Assassin-"


The Detective stopped the Medic in front of a window, and grasped their shoulder, "Seriously? Why didn't you tell us earlier? I know who's been following you. We need to get you into the protection-"



Time seemed to stop. The Detective instinctively glanced behind the Medic into the window. Atop an adjacent building a figure seemed to faze into visibility from no-where, and sat crouched with a massive sniper-rifle... their eyes were completely black, and their face resembled a skull...


The glass shattered into millions of pieces, and a mask, detached, flew into the air. Immense whiplash overtook the Medic, and he fell onto the floor unconscious: his identity revealed as some sort of energy shielding continually flashed around him. A large bullet was embedded in a crater half the size of a golf-ball on his mask.


The compound exploded like a hornet's nest disturbed, and massive crowds of Officers, and Military scattered themselves: each of them going to protect the highest-ranking individuals, and the most vital pieces of the complex. Alarms sounded off throughout the entire building.


The Detective layed on the shard covered floor as the Medic was carried into a storage closet by two Policemen, and a Military Doctor. Sparks continually surrounded him as he was heaved inside.


The Detective looked up at the ceiling as the light began to fade away. A blurry Cop seemed to lower herself down to assist.



The reaper sat crouched atop the building; perched like a gargoyle. They momentarily observed the commotion before disappearing like a ghost...







End of Scene 3, part 1



Arachny, Civilian, Executed by Mafia


Bnus, Medic, Protects themself from Assassination by the Sniper



Dexter Grif


Connor Kenway




You have 48 hours to vote who dies.

Edited by Elf Destruct
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This list however has no overlap at all, which SUCKS. Detective, we need you now.

I'm in contact with The Detective. We will give you an answer on who to vote for in a few. Until then just trust us. A




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And I quote my friend, Blake, "I not going to go on with such a suspicious person such as yourself Blake." If that is not stop, I'm not sure what universe you live in. 


And Axilus, It is my first time playing the game, so if I sound a bit too hostile, I apologize. 


And yet I don't receive an apology? No idea why you've got a grudge against me all of a sudden.


It is confirmed everybody!



Delpen is the mafian boss! :)


This is the beginning of the end for the mafians.....


I'm honestly not surprised, especially by the way he's been acting. Just wait until the next lynch list he shows up in.


I don't see why Bnus role was announced, only the sniper would have known it was him... Now the mafia know as well... Oh well, guess everyone knows now.


Because he was targeted by the sniper.

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I don't see why Bnus role was announced, only the sniper would have known it was him... Now the mafia know as well... Oh well, guess everyone knows now.


A person protected by the Medic always has their role revealed if they are set to be executed or assassinated. The Medic is no exception.


Oh yea Arachny is going to get a more in-depth death scene in part 2 of Round 3. I didn't want part 1 of Round 3 to be too big. What this means is that it'll be a sort of flash back to earlier in the story like some of the other story segments have been.

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