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Yappa's Halo RPG


The year is 2548 - Humanity and the alien military group known as 'The Covenant' have been clashing for twenty plus years in a long, drawn out war.  With humanities military on the brink of collapse and most of their established colonies in the outer worlds nothing but glowing spheres the human morale is at an all time low.  


Despite valiant efforts from the UNSC, their defenses are slowly being whittled down and irreplaceable ships, men and planets are being destroyed or killed. Play as the UNSC - fighting for your very survival; Or play as the Covenant, hell bent on eradicating the human scum!  Currently, we are underway in the main mission for all playable factions. Be sure to check it out and read up on whats happening! 



 Have you ever wanted to participate with a community of fan fiction authors, who want to enjoy what the Halo Universe has to offer through it's various games, comics and novels but haven't found what you're looking for? Here at Yappas Halo RPG we have a vast assortment of individual fan fiction writers who enjoy writing out the Human - Covenant war.


Play as a Marine - or an Admiral of powerful Naval vessels -  or even a Covenant Sangheili; among other species. Build onto an impressive sci-fi universe that has been presented by creating your own characters.



Note: That we're a text based roleplaying site that strives for military realism on both sides, and we are very much lore based, and we're heavily based off of the novels. 

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Sorry, but I've never had all that much fun with TBRPG's about shooters.

- Story's are boring without some form of conflict, otherwise they'd be just happy happy before and after, which means nothing changes

- In a shooter, conflict is in the form of shooting

- In text, the conflict of shooting is basically 'I shot' 'I dodged' 'I shot' 'I was in cover' over and over and over and over

- Without any of the other creative twists to writing, I just get bored of such forms of combat horrendously quickly.


Nonetheless, props to you guys for doing something that every other RP that has popped up on these forums have failed to do, which basically made a lot of things absolutely miserable - allowing players to post IC as both 'factions', 'sides' etc. and not limit everyone to being good guys.


If it isn't too much of a hassle, could you post a summary of the main plot, as well as summaries for any other smaller but important player-run plotlines on here? Knowing the story if halfway to joining the game. 

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Yappa's has an open-world - or rather 'open-galaxy' - system in which users can choose to participate in, meaning there is no central plot you have to follow as long as it follows the Human - Covenant war.


Each individual thread has it's own plot, and (with approval from the staff) you can make your own 'official' mission yourself. Right now, the 'main mission' is underway along the rim of the Outer Colonies where the UNSC battles for the planet that contains an experimental shield system developed from the UNSC's 'Shield Bubble' in 2545.


Main Missions are staff created with the help of the Guardians (Veteran and helpful members) and accelerate the time in the RP. User Created content, 'user missions', can take place in the past or present to flesh out the history of the Human - Covenant war.




This is currently the synopsis right now, I could go into depth about the past 6 Missions, but they pretty much were various battles that have taken place throughout the galaxy, the exciting news is that we've begun the process of implementing a new forum layout in which we're going to make these main missions much smaller by dividing them up into a bunch of different various smaller threads were people compete for one of the various objectives in the campaign-making threads smaller and more character driven and we're really pushing people to explore their characters lives past just fighting in the military. 


We've also implemented a process where you can have essentially offshoot missions that don't affect the main campaign, but you can explore the universe as a civilian, or insurrectionist, a kig-yar pirate, or even you can make a mission where you're fighting as a different unit and a planet of your choosing. We are very much lore based, but we do have glimpses of our own technology infused (nothing OP or world breaking, simply some obscure civilian ships, and various military tactics). 


And to answer your question we've been following this new timeline for sometime now, for quite a few years, though it's been a reboot, I think it's been a few years since this timeline has been going on. But, it's a lot of fun!

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I am not sure if your content belongs on 343industries fan site forum,only if you're already contacted moderators about that link and project you've posted,but in case you didn't then I don't know what could happen.Also I want to say my opinion about rpg.It looks interesting but I think Halo cannot be rpg.It's meaningless and impossible.Hope you will not get my post wrong.Take care TWD26.

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I'm the administrator over at this wonderful website. I think there has been a misunderstanding somewhere along the lines. We don't actually RP within the games themselves, we have a text based role-play in which people add to the Halo Universe through means of fan fiction writing. We are all authors over at Yappas who enjoy the games and novels, but take the realism the novels use rather than the games mechanics to simulate a hyper lethal SPARTAN. 

We have never (As far as I recall) attempted to legitimately role-play within one of the Halo games.

Hope that clears it up. 

Also, Ailean, if novels exists of a game there will most certainly be a role-play about the game in text form, which Yappas is. I'd also like to apologize and take responsibility if any of the rules were broken. 



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We have never (As far as I recall) attempted to legitimately role-play within one of the Halo games.

oh man


this brings back me-when-i-was-just-a-wee-lad memories


@Ailean I can guarantee you that it's possible for Halo to exist within TBRPG form. Whether or not the TBRPG itself will be enjoyable game is another issue generally dependent on the players and how the game is run, but considering Yappa's has survived 9 years I'm sure there's at the very least some form of appeal.


@MrKill The rules Ailean probably refers to are the URL Link rules, which are:




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Lastly, you may directly contact a member of the moderating team to ask for permission to post specific links: if granted, the relevant moderator will then edit your post to include the link and show their approval. This system helps to protect against falsification of moderator approval, and whether permission is granted or not is entirely at the discretion of the individual moderator: however in most cases where the link is found to be safe and to comply with general site rules, permission will likely be granted. In essence, if a link does not meet the standard auto-approval criteria listed above, check to make sure it has moderator approval before following it, and please report any posts which you feel may violate this policy.

Personally, I think it would be best if you temporarily suspended having the URL in the OP of the thread and went to grab permission from some of the moderators.
In any case, while I'd be happy to try out playing with you guys, having a separate thread for every single story that goes on is something that I'm still nowhere near used to; instead I'm much more inclined for location topics and for everything within the location to be posted there. Nonetheless, we do have several other prominent writers/roleplayers who may be interested.

This is the third TBRPG I know that's lasted for more than a year. Props to you guys for making it work with a setting where the basis is in shooting stuff too.

It's cool to know that a community like this still exists for Halo, so... Nice meeting you guys :)
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When the OP gets back from work he'll remove the link to our website, where we will then get permission from the administration team here. Thanks for your advice and suggestions, as well as linking the rules in the spoiler. 


Yappa's isn't really a turn based RP. You can 'post' when ever you like, but the reason why we are still around is because it's not all shooting things and taking names. We have social threads, character development and in general, we try to bring the cultures of each race into our RP with varying success. 


Our missions are mostly combat, but members create social threads like... a bar scene, for example. Or a family BBQ with some friends. Training exercises, interrogations. If Yappas was just shoot, shoot, shoot I'm sure it would have crashed a few years ago but after almost nine years we're still going fairly strong. 



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It's everything just fine MrKill,not to worry at all.Since I'm still new member,yet I'm learning quite fine how this forum works.So recommendation is just to temporarily remove off-site linking by editing post that is previously mentioned.Like I've said,it's only my opinion about Halo game project and RPG as aditional game genre.I hope you all understand that.So it doesn't mean I am right.After consulting with moderators of this forum,you may know your possibilities and what you're able to do here.Take care :)

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Yappa's isn't really a turn based RP. You can 'post' when ever you like, but the reason why we are still around is because it's not all shooting things and taking names. We have social threads, character development and in general, we try to bring the cultures of each race into our RP with varying success. 


Our missions are mostly combat, but members create social threads like... a bar scene, for example. Or a family BBQ with some friends. Training exercises, interrogations. If Yappas was just shoot, shoot, shoot I'm sure it would have crashed a few years ago but after almost nine years we're still going fairly strong. 

Of course. A book, a story, that is designed to last long and has conflict needs to characters to love, doesn't it? And an RP is a bunch of people writing the story, leaving their mark.


Still, I think conflict always has an importance within a TBRPG. Imagine two bar scenes - one of them features a bunch of people who face nothing but peace. The other scene features drinkers who have been in fights, battles, wars; who have experienced loss and who have been the ones to create loss. Both can be fun to write - but I think the latter gives more meat to chomp on, if you understand what I mean.


What I was more referring to, however, is the system of 'Open' and 'Closed' threads. I'm more used to sandbox rping - where the only 'closed' posts are internal monologues, important plot-based events or quite literally unreachable. In my eyes, an RP is a cohesive book being written, where the only limitation is the literary skill. Somebody has a plot? Cool, but whether or not they have a plotline planned ahead, I've always been used to other player characters being able to butt in and affect the plot in one way or another, whether expected or not, and them being able to do so purely by joining into the interaction with the player's writing skill, not being limited by 'open' and 'closed' threads.

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  • 1 month later...

Didn't take you guys long enough to start branching out, Kill. Took me too long to notice this was here.


I'm just going to say this before anyone decides this may be a good idea. Yappa's RP forum may seem friendly at face value, but be there for more than a few days and you're sure to run into issues with either staff or veteran members. They give little to no room for any kind of creativity and when it comes to new people, no one has their backs. Often times when disagreements happen, cases are built by veteran members and typically the new members are outnumbered and forced to back off from their argument, and when they try to defend themselves it's labeled as instigating and prolonging the problem.


While I understand the idea of loyalty, this is an unfriendly approach to a forum mentality and thus why I was quick to leave. It seems the general population here isn't accepting this advertisement well as it stands, so I'm not worried. But in all honesty, even with nine years backing Yappa's forum, it's not without the sin of drama and elitism. Save yourself the headache and stay away from it.

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