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Have yet to get into a match of the Halo 5 Guardians beta


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The title says it all. It's a beta, right? So I guess I'm obliged to report on these kinds of issues.
There's only a couple things to complain about, but big ones I could see people being upset about indeed.

For starters, I can't get into a match.
Like, literally. The beta has been out for a few days now, and I have yet to get into a match. The process is as follows.

Load up game, queue up in the slayer playlist.
Wait for matchmaker to find a group of people to play with.

Sit in what appears to be a lobby with eight people max with the occasional person dcing and being replaced by someone else for upwards of ten minutes.

"Excuse us"
We were unable to join you to the game. Please try again.

Well, following the tooltip, I've tried again. A lot. At least a few times each day since the beta came out. Same result each time.

I don't mean to rude or upfront, but I'm pretty certain this problem has nothing to do with my internet connection. I have recently switched over to a very stable cable provided ISP. A moderate NAT here and there shouldn't affect my ability to actually go into the game.

Does anyone else seem to be having this issue? Please let me know, or at least help me out!

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I didn't have this problem exactly, I just couldn't get it to download. Now, every time I play a match I have to rejoin matchmaking, it's a pain but this is a beta.


My recommendation is to just re download the beta, can't say it'll work any better, but it is worth a try right?


Lastly, this site isn't ran by 343 if you want them to see this or here your problem you'll have to tell them and post this at Halo Waypoint. Welcome to the forums though! Hope you stick around. 

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