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A late Christmas miracle in Gta online

Caboose The Ace

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It was a normal day in Gta online, me and my friend are messing around in his apartment, while he goes for a quick shower ( in real life ) I decide to have a quick smoke ( I smoke in Gta online, not in real life ) But I find I have no Cigarettes. So I get a car and drive to the nearest shop in Blaine county. After buying several packs I decide to hold up the storekeeper. The shopkeeper gives me the money I demand from him and I get back in the car with the police closing in on my tail!


The chase does not play in my favour and my tire is shot out causing my car to crash upside-down. The police soon arrive in dozens, they surround my car, all hope seemed lost, the only way I am going to escape is death. But out of the darkness came one man, one special man called Boi5!


He drives his sports car in front of mine, blocking the police from having a clear shot at me. I narrowly escape my cars wreckage and get inside his with the police in hot pursuit. We soon lose the cops then go hold up another store before returning to my friends apartment. And we have been friends ever since.


The end. ( True story btw ) :)

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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