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The best possible title update: list of reasonable fixes

ENP No Trace

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Well, because all of us, including me, find that although Reach is a fantastic game, it has many flaws. With a title update being established within a reasonable amount of time, I thought I might make a list of the BEST possible fixes. I'll adress the problems alot of people have with this game, aslo.


Armor lock: Seeing as 90% of us hate this God forsaken armor ability, let's see how we can fix it. It truly is a get out of death free-card. It slows gameplay nearly to a halt and frustrates the best of us. I could go on for hours about my undyeilding hatred for armor lock.

Possible solutions:

Remove EMP completely

One use per charge, no pulsing of the ability, once you activate it you need to wait the full 5 or so seconds to deactivate

How about get rid of the damn thing from matchmaking completely? (This is excluding firefight and custom games/forge)


Nasty betrayal system: Well, to be honest, I'm never really subject to this problem because I'm rarely in a game filled with weapon horders who fight over specific guns. But since I hear a lot of people complain about it's inconsistency, I thought I might adress it. Keep in mind, I don't know how it works.

Possible solutions:

After the first betrayal, no matter what, the betrayed victim has the option to boot the betrayer. No exceptions.


Overpowered Sniper/DMR against vehicles: This gets on my nerves, the banshee itself is overpowered because of it's bomb, but the Sniper can take it down in FIVE SHOTS! The DMR, with concentrated fire from a team, can destroy a banshee easily within ten seconds.

Possible solutions:

The power of the sniper and DMR against vehicles, nothing else, has to be severely reduced.


Heavily overpowered grenades: This was severe in the beta, and even with Sage's powerful nerfing beard, they still remained mini-nukes. A sliver of damage to a fully sheilded opponent followed by a poorly tossed grenade can kill someone. Plasma grenades do not bother the community nearly as much, however. The damage of plasmam grenades can remain the same.

Possible solutions:

Nerf grenades, a grenade to an opponent should take out only thier shields, and possibly one bar of health. Nothing more

An opponent with red health directly hit with a grenade should not die


Bloom: This, I have seen as a popular rumor: "343 is putting in an option to remove bloom!" While this may be true, I doubt it will make it's way into matchmaking quickly. What will most likely happen is a playlist or set of playlists in which bloom is absent. This will make the DMR and Needle Rifle overpowered beyond comprehension, but people will get what the wanted. It will bring reduced kill times, something that Reach is in desperate need of.

Possible solutions:

Playlists with absence of bloom (Could eventually spread to the majority of playlists)

Make blooms spread more predicatble

Remove it completely (risky move, not a fan of this option. This could ruin the game as opposed to fix it)

Add option to remove bloom for custom games


Active Camo: Without a doubt, Squad slayer became, in my opinion, the best playlist in the game with the removal of armor lock. However, I soon saw complaints about Active Camo soon into the playlists introduction. The community will never be satisfied. Though I somewhat agree, It can become annoying when all you see on your radar is incoherent flashing red dots.

Possible solutions:

Active Camo would now not jam radar, but instead, show the player using Camo as a red dot, now matter if they were not moving or crouching, this would not apply if the player did not have the ability activated.


Plasma launcher: It was feared in the beta, it was a real power weapon. Now? It's only a threat to stationary targets and opponents in narrow hallways. It is completely useless against vehicles unless they are heading directly for the player weilding it.

Possible solutions:

Increase tracking capability

Increase speed of projectiles

Recuce charge time

(These would not ALL be applied to the PL, instead they are sepparate ideas to bring back the capabilities of the Beta PL)


Please list your own ideas and suggestions for title update changes to Reach.

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