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TTO343+My Swff Psa and sneak peak

Caboose The Ace

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Its been a long time since I actually did something like this. :)
So here is a quick Psa followed by writing.....
First off The Terrorists of 343..... little progress has been made, why? I cant decide if I should scrap it all and reboot because lets face it the series is boring to write and read. ( More info on this coming..... soon )
My Star wars fanction Once again little progress has been made.... sorta. I was writing the latest chapter and I felt myself getting bored writing it so to get my brain excited about writing I decided to skip ahead to a later event in the story and write about that. But turns out that chapter was super fun writing and within five days I finished it.
( Writing a whole chapter of anything in five days is a massive achievement as normally a whole chapter for me takes about 1 to 2 months )
So while I work on TTO343 ( finally ) and my Sw ff, here is the stuff I did in five days a few things don't make sense because of the time skip but still should be a fun read. I checked for errors as best I could but feel free to post feedback and report any errors you find.
Thanks, Caboose  
Brief overview of what happened previously ( but yet to be written )
Order 66 was enacted and the Clone troopers stormed the Jedi temple. Lucas Ventar eventually confronted Darth Vader during the battle. The two fought but Lucas was quickly outmatched, Lucas life was saved by his former apprentice Meetra force, Meetra was told to escape by Lucas shortly after the Clones breached the Temple but she refused soon after she was out of sight.
Lucas was separated from Meetra during her fight with Vader and  Meetra was killed by Vader, shortly after Lucas escaped the Temple. This chapter picks up 6 months after the Temple attack...

Lucas walked into the musky Cantina. Species from all corners of the Galaxy were inside, drinking and playing intense games of Sabacc and Pazzak. As he moved though the Cantina, Lucas got several dirty looks from the many non-Humans species. He quickly found an empty table and chairs, near what he presumed were Human smugglers. He sat down on the chair and took off his Mandalorian inspired helmet and put it down on the circular table. It had been exactly 6 months since the Great Jedi purge had begun and living not as Lucas Ventar but as Lucas Grader had been anything but easy. For Thirty-four years he had lived and breathed as a Jedi and to have that taken away, the Order destroyed within a single night, was devastating.


On that night it had all ended in fires, screaming, and slaughter. It has been six months but the memories had not faded, he remembered them as if he was still there, and he wished he was, so that he could change things. Darth Vader, that name was the source of his anger that slowly was eating away at him. It was permanently burned into his mind no matter how far he went from it. Meetra had chosen to save him; she selflessly sacrificed herself so she could save him. She could have escaped the Temple and had a chance to survive but she came back just to save him. He arrogantly tried to kill Vader, alone and Meetra had paid the ultimate price for his mistakes. Now this anger for Vader seemed like all that kept him going. He knew deep down he hoped one day he would face Vader again and make up for his mistakes. The Order was destroyed and the death of Vader was his only goal left. It was not the Jedi way but it felt like the only way worth following and he hated himself for it.


“Welcome to Javier’s Cantina sir, may I take your order?” Lucas stopped drowsing in his sorrows and looked up. There stood a blue slender female Twi'lek holding a small data pad in her left hand. “Are you alright sir?” “No I’m fine, just drowsy” Lucas lied. “May I suggest a glass of Juma juice to wake you up, sir?” “Yes, I suppose that would be helpful” The Twi'lek then tapped a few things into the Data pad she was holding. “That will be ten Credits. Sir” “Ten” Lucas outrageously replied. “Its two credits a glass back on Nar shaddaa” “Nar shaddaa Juma juice is cheap, this is top quality” “Fine here’s the ten credits” Lucas opened his wallet and pulled ten credits out and immediately handed them to the Twi'lek. “Enjoy sir, your order will be here momentarily” The Twi'lek continued to tap on the Data pad as she walked away. “Better be the best glass of Juma juice in the whole Galaxy” Lucas muttered under his breath.


After waiting for some time the Twi'lek returned holding a glass of Juma juice in her right hand. “Enjoy” she said as she put the glass on the circular table and walked off. “I think you got ripped off there mate” Lucas looked to his left to the group of Human smugglers huddled around the table next to him. “Have I now?” Lucas said as he picked up the glass and took a sip of the orange liquid. “Really” one of the Human smugglers replied as Lucas quickly put the glass back onto the table. “Not the best thing I ever tasted, tastes about the same as the stuff from Nar shaddaa” “Exactly, mate you have to watch out for these kinds of slippery people in the Galaxy” “I will toast to that” Lucas laughed as soon after he took another sip. As he drank he looked up at one of the Televisions that were attached around the Cantina. The channel was Holonet news but what he saw on there shocked him. Sate Pestage, one of Emperor’s advisors stood proudly with his hands behind his back in what Lucas presumed to be Sate’s office. “The Clone Wars may have ended, but the fight for peace order and security is far from over” Sate began. “There are those among us who would fight against us and try and prevent us from achieving these goals the Wookies are one such group who would attempt such a thing. The Empire discovered that the Wookies were harbouring Jedi, sworn enemies of our Empire, we had to intervene and stop these Terrorists” Sate proclaimed. “Despite offering to negotiate peacefully, the Jedi and their Wookie allies refused, we had no choice to attack. I am though, happy to announce the Empires enforcer, Darth Vader managed to kill all ten of the Jedi masters on Kashyyyk and the Wookie rebellion was disbanded!” An image of a man in a black metallic suit that covered him from head to toe appeared on screen. The man stood next to the body of a Jedi, whilst holding crimson Lightsaber in both hands.


Sate continued talking about the imprisonment of the Wookies but Lucas was no longer listening. The glass of Juma juice that was once in Lucas’s hand fell onto the table sideways and its orange liquid spilt out. Lucas hand was now left empty as his jaw dropped. Ten Jedi masters that could not possibly be true, Lucas thought. Darth Vader, the dark Jedi he faced in the Temple attack had become so powerful he killed ten masters; Lucas didn’t want to believe it but could not stop thinking about the possibility. “You alright mate?” Lucas turned towards the Human smugglers again still recovering from the shock. “Yes, I…. I’m fine I just need to get some air” Lucas replied back to one of the smugglers. “Take all the time you need” The smuggler replied as Lucas put his helmet back onto his head and hurried out the Cantina as fast as he could. As he rushed past the patrons in the Cantina he bumped into a human male wearing brown robe with his hood covering the majority of his face. “I’m sorry” The hooded man said to Lucas as he continued walking in the opposite direction. “As am I” Both men looked over their shoulders to briefly glance at one another before carrying on their separate ways. As the Hooded man turned around to continue walking Lucas caught a glimpse of something very familiar to him concealed under the man’s robes. It was a Lightsaber…..

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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