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Black Screen While in Multiplayer Match..


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Everytime I play a game online for the most part my game black screens every 10-20 seconds. It is very infuriating. I can never complete a match. Anyone know of a fix for this? My upload and download are at good speeds, and I am directing connected with a cat 6 cable. I know it is not my connection. Every other game works fine online. So, anyone else having this problem? (I even have a clip of me black screening in a match on my game clips on xbox one).

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The only two things I can think of is either you HDMI cord isn't working properly, or that it's a bug in the game.


If it's your HDMI cord, you should try switching sides or buying a new one.


And if it's a bug, you should report it on Halo Waypoint as soon as you can.


That's all I can think of, hope this helps ^_^

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It's most likely a glitch or a memory issue having to deal with Predicted Resources.  But it's not something you can fix on the Xbox One.  It's just one of those bugs that happens likely to the emulation running, as well as the new engine alongside the old one.  You'll want to submit an actual bug report over at Halowaypoint or through the game via dashboard or one of the report options.


I'm not 100% of this, but it's defiantly an issue with either memory addresses or just the way the LIVE feature for co-op is being handled.  Halo 2 originally lacked any client scripting syncing, which is why it didn't have co-op over live the first time around.  Co-Op requires that both Xbox's have to sync game data between eachother.

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Yeah I post on halo wavepoint. Thanks for the advice I appreciate it! Although, my problem is within the actual halo 2 anniversary multiplayer. Not the campaign. All campaigns run fine for me even over xbox live with a friend playing coop. It's just halo 2 anniversary multiplayer that this problem accrues in. Funny thing is I'm directly hardwired with a 50 down and 10 up speeds. So, my overall connection is not the issue.

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