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Furry rule?

RAI Callion

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This is a question better left to the moderators, but I would still like to quell the confusion while you wait for a more official response from them. 


There is no actual "furry rule" although its a more of a unspoken rule on the site to keep furry related discussions to a minimum. This goes for basically anything else too that isn't gaming. We're a Halo community fanforum and we would like to keep the focus ON Halo and gaming.


For example a lot of us on the site love anime, but quite a few other members don't enjoy us publically talking about it all the time. So those members who did like anime took their discussion to a private PM. This is the same for furry related content. Since we're a Halo/gaming forum this is the primary focus for discussion unless otherwise stated. However you can still talk about furries; most members just prefer if you did that in a private PM though. 



TL;DR - There is no furry rule. The site is made primarily for Halo/gaming discussions. You're free to talk about whatever else but the members of the site prefer if you keep off-topic discussions in PM's or in a designated thread. 

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Bnus was close, but as usual was still off.


There is no actual rule against either *** or being a Furry, however those that enjoy *** have gotten it all but barred from the forum.


See, we allowed people to be 'bronies', but then a few things we didn't like began happening.


1. A lot of members changed their signatures and pictures to support ***, however some members were putting up anthro pictures which nearly violated rule 3 G

2. A lot of members then began using sexual innuendo related to *** (i.e. 'clopping') making non-*** users uncomfortable as well as breaking the rule against discussions of sex.

3. The *** users began to act as part of a clique, shunning those that didn't support ***.


A combination of these three things is what got *** pretty much banned from the forum. Being a brony isn't even inherently sexual, but it kept ending up that way. Being a furry, on the other hand, may not necessarily be sexual but is more often than not. So no, we won't ban you for being a furry or anything like that. However, if you attempt to roleplay in a sexual nature, or do any of the three things listed above, then it's likely to result in a ban.

Edited by Azaxx
My Little-Pony is what *** is saying, it's being censored as part of the site censorship, just to clarify.
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Bnus was close, but as usual was still off.


There is no actual rule against either *** or being a Furry, however those that enjoy *** have gotten it all but barred from the forum.


See, we allowed people to be 'bronies', but then a few things we didn't like began happening.


1. A lot of members changed their signatures and pictures to support ***, however some members were putting up anthro pictures which nearly violated rule 3 G

2. A lot of members then began using sexual innuendo related to *** (i.e. 'clopping') making non-*** users uncomfortable as well as breaking the rule against discussions of sex.

3. The *** users began to act as part of a clique, shunning those that didn't support ***.


A combination of these three things is what got *** pretty much banned from the forum. Being a brony isn't even inherently sexual, but it kept ending up that way. Being a furry, on the other hand, may not necessarily be sexual but is more often than not. So no, we won't ban you for being a furry or anything like that. However, if you attempt to roleplay in a sexual nature, or do any of the three things listed above, then it's likely to result in a ban.



Just like The Director said.


People over-used these and it almost became the topic of everything.


As stated though, the biggest problem was the way over the top sexualization of these things, especially because this isn't an adult-only forum (Speaking merely in terms of age). We have MANY members that are below 18 and honestly that's just in bad taste.


Just read the rules and you won't have to worry about anything!

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