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The Resistance. (Preview Event)


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Mission Order from the High Council.


"Attention all operatives! The council has issued an attack order on the so called resistance. We need all available units on stand by for the attack. But before anything you will make a small landing on their communications uplink. You must secure the communications room and eliminate all resistance forces before they have a chance to alert their central command about the attack. If we are able to secure the outpost it will make the attack easier... If we fail then the resistance will be prepared and who knows what they will do. Once the Uplink mission is completed we can begin a full scale battle on their HQ and the best way to start the mission is an air drop that the Royal Air Force kindly offered to drop us off at the designated LZ. The high council started the New Republic we must not let this all fall because of the rouge operatives..."









Hey everyone! I don't think there's a better way to make a return than to start off with a new event! Just wanted to introduce the newest Series event! As the Reach Underground was a successful series event, I thought that I should continue the story telling events in which YOU decide the ending! In this series The battle is between two forces. The justice and order enforcers, New Republic and the rouge group of the new republic, The Resistance. But what is the true story? Who is the good? Who is wrong? All the questions will answered soon!


This is just the preview event which features two maps and a bonus map(If the map works). The full story is still in the making but I wanted to introduce everyone to what the event is about. Everyone will get a chance to experience each side so teams will not a problem. Teams will be balanced in the lobbies. If in the event of technical or network problems during or before the event, the event will be delayed until further notice. 


Even though this is in Game Invitations, EVENT CODE OF CONDUCT rules still apply here. Please sign-up only if you can attend or if you have a question. Thank you!


To sign-up in this exclusive event, leave your gamer tag below! Questions about the event? Leave them below as well!  


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According to the date and time, I can make this (hopefully)


Sign me up Maru!!! :D


Oh I noticed that you have to leave your faction to >.<


I'll go New Republic Maru! Give me my weird looking lightsaber ;)

Edited by Yang Xiao Long
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After a few map adjustments the Bonus Map will be added to the event. Prepare yourself for a new faction of enemies...

Are you ready for the challenge?


Mission order from the New Republic Space Exploration Team:


"During one of Space Expeditions, our scouting teams found an abandoned station drifting in space. Old files reveal that the station used to be an old science facility where scientists would develop new tech for our forces, but the station was closed after a failed experiment titled Project 415. We sent a small recon group inside this structure for further investigation but as soon as they entered the structure we lost contact. Before the transmission was lost we received word that the recon group found that the interior of the structure was a simple design. After trying to reconnect we received another transmission from the interior of the structure but we could not understand what the transmission was, all we could interpret was one of our Recon members warning us that they're not alone in the structure and after that, it was just static. It is unconfirmed about other units in the structure, we suspect The Resistance has set up a small base within the interior. This is why we are sending you in the structure. The objective is simple, search the station for our Recon group members and clear the area of any Resistance members. Good Luck!"

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Dat Scorpion and Dat Infected guy killing everyone at the door. Twas Enjoyable smile.png . Thanks for Hosting Onsokumaru.

Dat Scorpion and Dat Infected guy killing everyone at the door. Twas Enjoyable smile.png . Thanks for Hosting Onsokumaru.


EDIT: Wow. Apparently it was so nice I posted twice.

Edited by rrhuntington
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