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H2A Mongoose Sumo


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In this minigame players must avoid falling the stage, but to make things interesting the stage becomes progressively smaller every 15 seconds. There are 5 rounds lasting 2 minutes each, and a teleporter will spawn in 30 seconds into each round enforcing a vehicles-only rule so you can't get off your mongoose or flip it over. The last player on the stage in their mongoose is awarded with a point and wins the round. Each ring is a different color and will disappear according to this schedule: cyan at 1:45, orange at 1:30, purple at 1:15, green at 1:00, gold at 0:45, blue at 0:30, and the red does not disappear. The game is free for all by default, but it is also a lot of fun if you enable teams. See the video below for some good gameplay.


Campaign leaderboards, campaign scoring, Halo 3, Sierra, Heroic, Friends, Co-op, 17088























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We gonna see any new race maps from you Turb? MarioKart remakes for H2: A?

I already made one that won't load due to the high object count issue. So if they fix that I'll probably make a few. My main goal is to make a fancy team racing map with lots of scripting, but they gotta fix the stability first.

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