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A Formal Apology


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Hey guys,


Over the last few weeks my behavior hasn't really been  becoming of a USF President or even that of a candidate so before things get too serious there are a three things i wanted to apologize for.


First would be my most recent offense which would be exploding on two people over the shoutbox

I know I already said this but to you two(you know who you are) Im sorry for how i acted, it was inexcusable and I shouldn't have done it no matter what happened in the past.



Second would be before that which would be  just part of my overall attitude that i believe ive had while talking in the sb with you guys. I need to remember that this is a place to socialize and enjoy the company of other people and I shouldnt bring un-needed drama here.



Third would be anything else that I have forgotten to mention here


To sum this up 


I want to apologize for any and all offenses that i have commited here and the impact its had on this community

and I promise to start correcting my behavior more and more as I continue to be a member of this site and hopefully as your USF president should I be elected.

I look forward to talking to you guys more in the future and maybe even playing a bit if we so happen to have any games in common 

Edited by AnimeAddict
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I myself too have been in your position of where I have made mistakes and have had to apologise for. To me, you are forgiven. I'm very sure that for what you did you will be forgiven by everyone else, I'm sure of it :).


Yeah at least everyone on here gets on their bad side at times, but the natural fact that it's a part of life. I think that you are doing the right thing by coming to terms with the issue and dealing with it in a civil manner so that you can learn where you went wrong and how you can change your ways positively. I have very high hopes for you, I know you can do great things on this forum.


I wish you plenty of goodluck on your journey ahead.



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