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Exchanging/Trading Weapons With Your Teammates!

Hard Kywan

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(First of all my english is bad but i have to say this)

This just came up in me while i was playing with some friends

Halo 5 is about competitive playing right? As an team..

Well imagina you have an team one of your team is sniper pro and the other one is rocket pro or hydra.. isnt then not necesary that all these power weapons falls into the hands of one of your team mates who is very good with it instead of someone who has no idea what he/she has and what to do with it?..

and since halo 5 is all about map control and power weapons it is important to trade weapons with your team mates

If one of your team has sniper but really dont need it because he sucks at it but he took it so it dont fall into the hands of your enemy..

But you on the otherside are very good with sniper but heres the problem

You cannot trade weapons.. you must either search with your team mate for third weapon to drop the sniper so you can take it or he must get killed of suicide.. these arent an options in an competitive game!

There must be an option where if you have an sniper rifle and you know it is a much bether idea if its in the hand of one of your team mates you walk up to him and press a button and on his screen there should be a pop up or sometthing and he can accept your trade or vice versa like you ask one of you team mate for an power weapon by walking to them and ask for an trade

This way the game is more fun more competitive and everyone can benefit from it.

This doesnt harm the gameplay nothing just makes it more as an team

I really hope something like this makes it in the final game! Halo needs this!

I am really surprised why there arent any FPS where you can trade weapons not even call of duty

I hope halo will be the first because if this makes it in other games everyone will like it and eventuelly halo will have it too and be looked like an copycat just aim down side

Be the first to do it 343!

And i have enjoyed Halo 5 very much

playing halo since the day halo 2 came out

and i must say halo 5 feels very very good

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This idea overall sounds great. However, you are wrong about Shooter games that don't have weapon trade. 

Gears of War allows you to trade weapons, especially with an AI. Army of Two also had it included. They may not be First-Person Shooters, they're Third-Person Shooters. However that may be. Gears of War 3 allowed ADS, which is first person toggled. 


Your idea sounds great, but working it in would be WAY to much work, especially since pushing buttons in a multiplayer game takes longer than just picking up a weapon and dropping the weapon you wish to trade, having them take the traded weapon. Forcing you to drop yours again and grab their weapon. All in less than five seconds. Where buttons would have them to push the trade button or a confirm button just as well, and they just HAVE to add an animation in to make the trading more fun. Which takes longer than five seconds. It's just really best not to have it in, unless they can find a way to do it.


Reason why the five seconds matters? Anything over five seconds, you could have been killed already.


I loved the Army of Two games. Especially TFD. However, that's irrelevant.

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Pocking up weapons has no animation and what if there isnt any third weapon around.. you have to search the map and go on an search quest with your team mates you want to trade. this way you can pick up sniper for your team mate who is far away you go to him and make an trade some place safe there is no need for animation to be honest..

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While it is silly that you can trade weapons with an AI but not another player, it does have it's drawbacks.  In the heat of battle or even setting up a proper campaign of carnage against the opposite team, pop-ups can and will be distracting, and this also requires 1-3 seconds of precious time that could literally mean the difference between maintaining your power position or losing it.


While there is no "ready" time for picking up weapons, your teammate may be scouting or performing another action which could also lead to faulty or unintentional swaps.  At the same time, the swapping puts 2 players on the team at an instant disadvantage for those few seconds, leaving the other 2 or whatever number, fending for themselves with a huge blind spot.

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  • 3 months later...



Not really... :)


As said before....  its a good idea and I like it, but overall not a thing for me.


Because Trolls.... Oh no I can see it now, bombarding your screen with weapon popups until you go mad....


And that reminds me, did I ever tell any of you the definition of insanity?


No? Well I will tell you now. Trolls screaming into the mic demanding you trade weapons.


So..... Good idea, but overall, it simply would not work very well, especially with the Halo community...

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