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The Master Chief Collection: March 3rd Update

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As of a few hours ago, the latest patch to the troubled Master Chief Collection has been released, and is now available for download. Measuring in at a very beefy 690mb, the patch is intended to address several of the more common in-game issues, as well as to rectify problems with the game's matchmaking and party systems.
The full list of changes is as follows:

  • Made a variety of updates to improve matchmaking performance and success rates
  • Improved matchmaking search times/time to match
  • Improved stability throughout the matchmaking process across all titles


  • Improved party stability


  • Made improvements to multiplayer shot registration
  • Improved campaign stability across a variety of levels
  • Addressed stability issues for matchmaking and custom games
  • Fixed issues around resuming H2A Campaign from “remastered” mode
  • Improved medal display consistency


  • Fixed issues regarding aim assist which resulted in the reticle being pushed away from an enemy
  • Improved shot registration consistency between host / client in peer-to-peer custom game matches
  • Resolved a variety of UI inconsistencies, including team color randomization, medals, and in-game scoreboard display

So far, anecdotal reports from players suggest that this might well be the update we've all been hoping for, with the matchmaking process operating significantly faster then previously and without issues such as imbalanced teams or inability to remain in parties. While there's undoubtedly still a long way to go before the Master Chief Collection delivers on its initial promise, this is a very encouraging step in the right direction, and hopefully a sign of better days to come.


If you'd downloaded the update, let us know whether or not you're seeing an improvement in the comments!

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Things I noticed after 1 game:

+More dynamic backgrounds (different scenes and images)

+Game found in Team Slayer <2 minutes

+No more lobby cut off to start a game more quickly. Team slayer used to cut off at 6 players in a lobby to start a 3v3 game instead of 4v4. Now it actually waits untill the entire lobby is full.

+Halo 3 map loaded for everyone so no uneven teams.

-Forced clan tag. You have to have some kind of clan tag right now, you can't use a blank space anylonger. Default is UNSC.


I'll add some more points to this post if I notice/find any.




After a few more games things seem to go great for regular Team Slayer. Waiting times vary from 1-2 minutes up to about 5 in some cases.

BTB has a little more trouble. Waiting times there vary from 2-5 minutes up to extreme 10 minute waiting times. BTB has also been trimmed doen to 7v7 and sadly I noticed that in a game one of the 7 players on my team did not get past the loading screen resulting in a 6v7 match. Even worse was that the game after I didn't get past a Halo 2 loading screen as it "lost connection to the session"


This update DID make things more stable and searching times have been greatly improved along with hitregistration and games don't get unbalanced in the lobby anylonger, but the problem about not getting past the loading screen still remains an issue.

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My search times have gotten worse, over the past few weeks I've been finding game very quickly for the most part but now it seems to be back to what it was before :(



Seems the update is starting to kick in found a few matches very quickly.

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Before the Update I've had minimal problems, so the next time I play MP I'll tell you if anything's gotten worse or better.. Bridge the Gap between the Cursed and the Blessed 343.

Edited by rrhuntington
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You gotta commend 343i for making improvements to the games themselves. Halo 2 was completely broken and now 343i are improving the hit detection so it's much better than the way it was. Say what you will about the MCC launch but they're fixing some of the problems of Bungie's original games. I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this but I don't care. 343i > Bungie.

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I'm curious about all this "Hit Detection" problems everyone keeps mentioning.  Do you mean to say that the hit detection is now similar or on par with Halo 3, Reach and 4?  Because if so...then they just ruined the game.  People who played CE on the console and PC have been used to the 1-2 feet of leading required to make shots hit over anything but true LAN game play, and in Halo 2, the hit detection was similar but the gap was slightly smaller.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 2:47 PM, Twinreaper said:

I'm curious about all this "Hit Detection" problems everyone keeps mentioning.  Do you mean to say that the hit detection is now similar or on par with Halo 3, Reach and 4?  Because if so...then they just ruined the game.  People who played CE on the console and PC have been used to the 1-2 feet of leading required to make shots hit over anything but true LAN game play, and in Halo 2, the hit detection was similar but the gap was slightly smaller.


It's not spot on like Halo 4 and Reach, they just improved hitreg abit since playing Snipers on Halo 2 was damn near impossible since none of your shot s seemed to hit. People on Waypoint say it's alot more like Halo 2 PC now, I wouldn't know because I never played H2 PC.

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  On 3/4/2015 at 2:47 PM, Twinreaper said:

I'm curious about all this "Hit Detection" problems everyone keeps mentioning.  Do you mean to say that the hit detection is now similar or on par with Halo 3, Reach and 4?  Because if so...then they just ruined the game.  People who played CE on the console and PC have been used to the 1-2 feet of leading required to make shots hit over anything but true LAN game play, and in Halo 2, the hit detection was similar but the gap was slightly smaller.


You have a very strange definition of 'ruined', Twin. Personally, I'd consider actually hitting where I'm aiming to be preferable to having to guess the level of latency and hope for the best.

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Me and adamj went into matchmaking today and what we noticed:


We were able to connect perfectly, swiftly, and on the first try. 


Halo: CE finds games really quick with full lobbies, no uneven teams. The hit registry is not different I don't think but the aim assist is less sticky, I noticed that for sure. It adds a little more skill in aiming in my opinion. 


Halo 2 classic was fine, I've never had problems with hit registry and this resumed it. Finding matches was easy in this playlist as well.


Team Slayer was as easy as P34nut mentioned. Quick games with full lobbies. 


Big Team Battle waited a while so we left. 


In conclusion, it is now easier to search and play with friends.




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Yay updates! I was online when this one went live, but I was only playing Halo 4 (tried the Team Snipers playlist and everyone was voting for Halo 2 [we know where this is going, so I'll say no more]). So yeah, I noticed nothing :P

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