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coloured wrighting

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No, you actually do it through BBCode I think. It'd take forever unless you did it the way everyone does it: through a generator. Basically, you type your text in, it outputs it in whatever color you put. I can't link you to a generator, but just Google "colored writing generator".


If you want to have it all as one color in the shoutbox, go to the shoutbox tab, and before you type go on the little "A" symbol with the tiny colored square on the corner of it. Then pick a color, and type te text. If you've used Microsoft Word, you should be able to figure it out. Also, you can change the size and color on forum posts. Sizing doesn't work in the shoutbox because people have abused it, so the moderators diabled it.


Hope I helped.

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If you click on the BBCode under the shoutbox it will show you, but an easier way is to go to the Shoutbox tab like Lynx said and click on the 'A' to change color, but you must be on a computer I think. For posts, on a computer when you click on the post box the same 'A' should come up to change the font color.

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