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Shouldn't Big Team Battle be 16 players 8v8?

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After the last MCC content update (the big one that was supposed to fix everything) I noticed the faster search times, more stable games/lobbies, etc. But one big problem (for me anyways) I found was that 343i changed the max players on the Big Team Battle playlist. Before the patch it was 16 players 8v8 max, but after the patch its now 14 players 7v7 max. They didn't mention this in the patch notes at all, and every time someone brings it up it just gets ignored, from what I've seen.


It might seem like a small minute problem to some of you, and I can understand that. For me though (and I'm sure I'm not the only one), Big Team is my favorite playlist, and in every single Halo game, Big Team Battle has always been 16 players 8v8. Always. For 343i to just all the sudden bring the max players down to 14 and not explain why, or even mention it at all, is a bit wrong honestly.


I really hope 343i gets better at communicating with the community, and works on their public relations as a whole. The small things like this actually matter and add up.


I'm totally not trying to be one of those "SCREW 343i, BURN BONNIE ROSS AT THE STAKE" type people XD (you all know the type of people I'm talking about. Just check /r/HaloCircleJerk on reddit hahaha), but I'm just saying how 343i should work on a number of things.


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This is one thing that was noticed instantly by almost everyone, why remains unexplained though. It's either to speed up the search times in BTB somewhat or they did it by accident.

Either way I think it should be bumped back up to classic 8v8 since the searchtimes don't really benefit that much from 7v7.

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This is one thing that was noticed instantly by almost everyone, why remains unexplained though. It's either to speed up the search times in BTB somewhat or they did it by accident.

Either way I think it should be bumped back up to classic 8v8 since the searchtimes don't really benefit that much from 7v7.


I'm not sure about everyone else but in my experience before the patch, even though it said 16 was the max I never saw a full 8v8 BTB match. Before the patch it would always find 14 players, search for maybe another 30 seconds, give up on finding a full match, and just start the game as either a 6v6 or 7v7.


I've probably played a bit more than 100 BTB games on the MCC, and as I said, not a single one has been an 8v8 since the game launched. I don't think 343i lowered the max to shorten search times, but maybe 343i was just never able to make 8v8 games work properly in the first place, so they might have given up (temporarily) and changed it to 14 players max without telling anyone.


For the whole 5 months the game has been out, BTB in particular has never worked 100% the way it should. Not just the max players issue, but numerous others as well. Search times in BTB are much longer than they should be, it seems like BTB games crash at the loading screen more than in other playlists, players in countries outside the US have a very hard time finding any players in BTB at all (I've heard this mostly with Australian gamers. Some Aussies still have yet to play any BTB. It just never finds players for a lot of them). Overall BTB has quite a number of problems which are unique to the BTB playlist specifically.


I'm hoping one of the next few patches is more focused on BTB in particular, the big team playlist is my favorite and most played playlist by far, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that.


Just speculation I guess... I really hope they get BTB working properly eventually.

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