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New Assassinations


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There's another topic that talks about assassinations witj weapons. I think you could get behind someone, kick them down to their knees, then give a blowing shotgun shot to the head.

That's a bit graphic for a halo game.. :/

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While firing your weapons in an assassination animation might look cool, will it work?

See when firing your weapon, will you miss a shot out of your clip afterwards? What happens when your gun is empty? There's alot of minor things to take in consideration to prevent it from looking/being weird.


To me assassination don't need to be gruesome or tremendously graphic, they're a stealthy efficient way take take down your opponent before he can say "ah!"

Swiftly and quickly with a knife as it has always been is fine to me.

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I mentioned this in a different topic, but I think that reverse assassinations would be cool. Like, maybe you have to push a sequence of buttons to perform an assassination, and your opponent had to push them faster to escape or reverse it. I think that would be a cool feature!

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Unless another assailant decides to join the "party" and take one of you down first.

Like P34nut mentioned the assassinations are meant to be quick, stealthy deaths.

(Knife in the back, then off to one side, A quick snap of the neck, knife to the FACE. - Halo 4)


I'm worried about there being  a problem with the quicktime-react counters. These counters would be a good idea in the sense that it would not only require your full attention but also in the sense that witnessing your victory, either assailant or victim, would be a 'Good-Time' "Pump-it-up"



I hope we can play as an elite though, because in Halo: Reach, those elite assassinations were...

"Woah, holy crap I hope I'm able to win against this dinosaur beast." However, I don't know where this was mentioned but it might 'nerf' some of the elite's true potential and would have to fit with the game's fairness entirely, So I doubt we'll be able to.

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Yeah... Maybe it could be a feature specific to certain game types? Or even something for custom games that the party leader could turn off and on? I'd like it.


Omg I miss elites so much! They were pretty epic, I liked when you got to choose between a Spartan or elite in matchmaking.

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Elites on Reach's multiplayer were filtered for gametypes like Invasion. I would love to see elite playermodels, especially these new intimidating ones they have. In my opinion the option to play as Elites sounds utterly amazing and, again, I really hope we can play as elites in Halo 5. Slightly off-topic, sorry.


How about the assailant trips the victim, then kicks his visor in with his foot. Or... Something of that variation.

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It would be nice for some new assassinations to be made to replace the old ones and on the topic of weapon specific ones, there should only be a few weapons that get their own versions. The only weapons I think should get their own versions would be the Sword which already has it's own, the hammer which could have something where you could kick them to the ground and smash their head in, the pistol where you could drop them to their knees and kill them execution style(This could be done with the bolt shot as well as all the AR's and even shotgun) so I'd see that as a basic assassination rather than a weapon specific one. The Flag version is perfect and needs no change. If there were weapon specific ones they would use ammo from the weapon used and same goes for the hammer and sword. Attacks done with them consume their energy so it only makes sense for the same to be applied to assassinations.


If the Elites return into MM(which I hope they don't) they could get their own versions too. Maybe a plasma grenade version if you have one available, where you'd stick it to their back and kick them away as the flail to reach it, but it could be an option you select cause it would obviously use one from your inventory. 

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