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Why don't they use their knifes in Titanfall?


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I'm pretty sure killing someone is more effective then stabbing them when your goal is to kill them.


But wouldn't stabbing someone be more effective? I mean, you might get a bruise or two from a kick, but a knife could cause bleeding out, or, if slashed in the correct place, could even kill you. But all to their own I guess.

I'm pretty sure killing someone is more effective then stabbing them when your goal is to kill them.


Sorry, didn't realise my mistake. I changed killing to kicking, sorry for the confusion.

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Well your answer here is simple. Your suits pretty protective near the neck area, and I'm fairly sure the data knife, which is actually dull and bland, would not be as effective as kicking someone in the back and collapsing their spine or kicking them in the chest and collapsing their ribs on their heart.


Besides, it's called a data knife for a reason. It's more intelligence than killing. If you're hacking with blood on the receptors, it's not going to work out well. Especially since blood is thick.

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The suits pretty much protect the entire body, sometimes the face is shown but aside from that the suit is protecting the rest of your body.


Also the knives that they use to hack into Turrets and Spectres might not even be a knife. It's already being used for hacking which means that there's important bits of hardware/software inside the knife that makes it just for hacking. If they go around slashing the damned thing around and it becomes faulty... You can't hack...

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I remember Respawn talking about this once. The basic premise was that the rocket boots are going to be the best option, always. They will have a farther reach, and are propelled by thrusters, causing an even greater impact. 


Also, when you wall hang, sometimes the knife will be plunged into the wall instead of just your hand grabbing the wall.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't get why they only use their knifes for hacking. Wouldn't stabbing someone be more effective than kicking them?

Melee in video games is only used when needed. Taking the time to reach for your knife, instead of   

kicking them in the chest or back or whatever with the force of a dozen firetrucks, can change the outcome. That's why people only use melee when they get scared by someone running past them around the corner of a wall. I'm sure the suits are used for combat and protection just as well as mobility.  The force-kicks and neck-snaps are meant to be deadly fast. Like Flash. 


P.S. Melody you silly, who brings a gun to a knife-fight?

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