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343i has completely ignored the MCC. They know it is makeing no more money. The game was broken for about 4 months. Now they fix it yet they say little to nothing about it. They know it is something that is ruining their reputation and they are trying to abandon it! Back in Decemeber, 2014, while everyone was complaining about MCC not working right they were sitting and playing a Halo 5 Beta tournament. Please, if you have respect at all for Halo and its future, help to stop the Halo 5 untill MCC is fixed. Thank you to all!


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Oh god is this nonsense making it to our forum now too...


They're still working hard on fixes and the game has already greatly improved. If it was all that simple to fix it they'd already done it by now. Maybe 4 games online on one disc is never going to work properly, but at least they did their best to resolve the issues as much as possible.


No matter how many times you put that rediculous # everywhere halo 5 is going to release when it's due.

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343i has completely ignored the MCC. They know it is makeing no more money. The game was broken for about 4 months. Now they fix it yet they say little to nothing about it. They know it is something that is ruining their reputation and they are trying to abandon it! Back in Decemeber, 2014, while everyone was complaining about MCC not working right they were sitting and playing a Halo 5 Beta tournament. Please, if you have respect at all for Halo and its future, help to stop the Halo 5 untill MCC is fixed. Thank you to all!




I agree that the mcc still needs alot of work even after a day and a half i can see that, but where is your figures supporting that the game is making no money. They recently started shipping MCC with xbox one in a bundle so there will be new players coming to the game daily. I agree with peanut they probably should of shipped it in 4 discs instead of 1 then we may not have faced so many frustrating bugs with it, in regards to the actual miracle patch which will fix everything i think it will come soon enough its just a matter of patience my friend :)

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