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Why has halo's AI netcode always been so horrible?

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Not just MCC- Halo 3, ODST, Reach, CEA, 4 and now MCC campaign, firefight and spartan ops all had really bad co-ops; frame rates would drop into the negatives ad the lag was worse than trying to play et without suffering mental health problems.


Is it just the lack of dedicated servers and reliance on P2P networking that has caused Halo- a game with a good focus on it's co-operative play, mind- to have an extremely bad coop experience that Dice somehow managed to do better in battlefield 3


Twinreaper, I'm looking at you for this one.

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Everyone's looking at Twin for this one.


However, I'm imagining he's blasting heavy/death/dark metal, sipping his coffee (which is boiling, mind you), reading over this; only one word passes from his lips...




But, y'know, that's the image that comes to mind.

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Baconshelf, before I answer your questuon could you clarify it a bit better. My impression is that uou are talking about the netcode in referrence to co-op only and not AI as the topic includes. Is it just the framerate you are talking aboit? Or is there a mich broader range of issues that have you perplexed?

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Baconshelf, before I answer your questuon could you clarify it a bit better. My impression is that uou are talking about the netcode in referrence to co-op only and not AI as the topic includes. Is it just the framerate you are talking aboit? Or is there a mich broader range of issues that have you perplexed?

I think he is talking about whenever you play a gamemode that has AI in it with other people(like Firefight, Co-Op Campaign, Spartan ops, etc) the connection is far worse and performance drops far more common then playing regular Matchmaking. 

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Baconshelf, before I answer your questuon could you clarify it a bit better. My impression is that uou are talking about the netcode in referrence to co-op only and not AI as the topic includes. Is it just the framerate you are talking aboit? Or is there a mich broader range of issues that have you perplexed?


Everytime I play co-op on any AI based game i get framerate drops and intense lag. That shouldn't be a thing, right? My friend and I enjoy spartan ops but the lag is so bad...

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Unfortunatly it's due mostly to the Azure platform. Halo 3 and ODST played just fine up until Microsoft decided to release a new version of Live and shift it from a standard Server Service, over to an Azure service. The netcode itself is actually pretty well written. I will say though, that the scripting and syncing does take a whole lot of bandwidth up!

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