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Blur vs. Axis


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Blur, te guys who did H2A's cutscenes and the animation for the Avengers films vs. Axis, the guys who did Halo 4's prologue, epilogue and Spartan Ops. Personally, I still think Blur is the better option, but not by much.



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Well now looking at that In Game Screenshot and comparing it to those other two, no wonder that was pushing 360's limits.


It's been a while since I've seen both the Halo 4 CGI and the H2A CGI, but there's something I like about both. One thing that urked me about BLUR though is that there were some points where Chief just looked off when compared to everything else. I have to agree to the point really. Blur does seem to have an edge by a bit, but not by much. I'd like to see more from both, doesn't matter which one because they both look damn good. Also, didn't know Axis does the Avenger's movies. Cool thing to know.

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