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Give us better playlists

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Why not split up the different games and give them their old playlists like they used to be. Give us team snipes team doubles and team slayer h2 classic not the anniversary no one likes anniversary.also make them ranked and for guests make a social play list and allow them to play on that

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Yeah. I would like to play Halo 3 or 4 BTB without encountering any of the other games in there. I swear 90% of the time all 3 options are Halo 2, which is a subsequent restart of the game for me.

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If you read the patch notes on Halo Waypoint, ranked playlists are currently being tested. Which is why Team Slayer joined H2A. 


H2 classic is still there.


Guests can play online. Ranked or unranked.


Team doubles is still there, but only in Halo:CE


Also, anniversary is obviously liked by the community enough for them to hit replay when they see the option.


The only thing gone is team snipers, which deserves to stay out. It's full of noobs who don't know what they're doing half the time. I'm terrible with the sniper and still end up the best in the game. If you want sniper, play big team battle. That's all I gotta say about it.

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If you read the patch notes on Halo Waypoint, ranked playlists are currently being tested. Which is why Team Slayer joined H2A. 


H2 classic is still there.


Guests can play online. Ranked or unranked.


Team doubles is still there, but only in Halo:CE


Also, anniversary is obviously liked by the community enough for them to hit replay when they see the option.


The only thing gone is team snipers, which deserves to stay out. It's full of noobs who don't know what they're doing half the time. I'm terrible with the sniper and still end up the best in the game. If you want sniper, play big team battle. That's all I gotta say about it.




Edited by BaconShelf
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I think they should constantly be rotating playlists. Team Dbls, Team Objective, CTF, KoTH, Oddball SWAT, Snipers and the list goes on. If a playlist doesn't consistently maintain amount of players each day then drop it and bring in another for a certain time period. There's a perfect saying for it "Time away makes the heart grow fonder." If some of the basic sets are gone for a bit then when they come back they'll be more popular. Why do you think some of the major ones are so popular? Because they weren't permanent in previous games. 

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