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A real argument against aa's


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I just picked up halo reach again because of the no bloom. It is amazing. I know the reasons why the aa's take away all skill from the game and don't make it that fun. People say aa's add varity...no they don't.. heres what happens to what could have been a great game.


1. Sprint. Completely destroys skilled grenade placement and slows gameplay down. Because when someone is one shot they can just "sprint" away. Also i think it ruins the point of a "setup" or strategy on a map. One more thing for sprint... the sword...really... sprinting with a sword... probably the dumbest addition from bungie ever... who thought of that?


2. Camo. Way overpowered. So you get to have camo and then also jam my radar? Camo should be a pickup and the players should use timeing and skill to get the camo when it comes up. Just like halo 3 online.


3. Armor lock should also be a pickup...like a power weapon or some sort of camo or overshield...this ties into the who loadouts should not exist topic. Also slows gameplay which we have heard a lot. Probably fits well in big team battle but now in slayer.


4.Evade is just another stupid addition just like sprint.


4 and a half. Jetpack... so whats the point of having walls or even a map if you can just spawn with a jetpack and fly over it!?


5. The beta pistol shoots way too fast and is overpowered. Either take damage down or slow it down..


6. The dmr is such a dull weapon to use...I miss that 3 round burst.


7. All the maps basically suck which you all know i am sure haha.


summary. Basically loadouts should have never existed and the aa's should have been pickups like equipment around the map. They ruined this game.

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That's your compelling argument? That wasn't an argument, it was an overstated personel opinion based on gameplay experiences YOU had. If your going to properly argue why a certain game asset fails to function properly or inhibits gameplay, you need to do it from the perspective as to how each component operates. Not only on the field as what you experience, but also the tags themselves.


Oh and btw, you know the game has been out for over a year right? Your just now bringing all this up?

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That's your compelling argument? That wasn't an argument, it was an overstated personel opinion based on gameplay experiences YOU had. If your going to properly argue why a certain game asset fails to function properly or inhibits gameplay, you need to do it from the perspective as to how each component operates. Not only on the field as what you experience, but also the tags themselves.


Oh and btw, you know the game has been out for over a year right? Your just now bringing all this up?

No i have brought it up mulitple times and i did say why each aa inhibits gameplay.

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