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I personally think Reach won't get a remake. After playing it since it came out, it's just worn me out. I'm tired of it's graphics, it's gameplay, and pointless screenshots. Adding to the fact it's not necessarily canon to the books and disregards the Halo event. Also, is 343 even allowed to remake Reach? I know 343 can't just spit out a game whenever it wants.

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Or they could fix and finish what they already have.

Why did another topic have to be made, anyway?

  On 5/12/2015 at 11:44 PM, Constantine The Great said:


Well I'm not sure what the legal rights are on the game, but if they could, maybe they could make improvements?



Microsoft own the game an everything related to it, thus so do 343i.


Technically, they didn't even need to put Bungie's name on the MCC box. It's more of a courtesy than a requirement.

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@@Caboose The Ace Halo 5 won't be nearly as buggy as MCC was at launch, as Halo 5 is one game. The main thing that killed MCC was the fact that they tried to join 4 games from different platforms (Xbox 360, Xbox Original and PC) onto a single network. Halo 5 will not have this issue.

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I do not believe Halo: Reach will get a remake, since it's not in high demand like Halo 2 was.


Increased popularity - Increased results.


I think it would be neat to see it remade though, but it's unlikely.

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Maybe if there is enough talk about it from fans it would happen some day, but I'll agree with Caboose… Not for awhile. 343 still has the Reclaimer trilogy to finish, so remaking Reach is probably the last thing on their minds. I am disagreeing with OldWoman, because Reach was my favorite Halo game next to Halo 2. I loved the graphics, firefight, and the story. I thought it was interesting to see what happened before the major Halo events. 


In short, I would be thrilled if they remade the game!!! However, I don't think it's going to happen… Not anytime soon at least.

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In the next 5 years, possibly... Though you must factor in them creating Halo 6 and any other side projects they may or may not have going on. ODST and Reach were fun games and a "remastering" is a possibility. Giving them a face lift is about all I see happening however. From their current settings I don't see many mechanical changes being made, which is why I use the term "remastering".


Would I want to see something like this happen? Not really. Reach is an alright game but I don't get really excited over it. ODST would be one I would look forward to though.

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