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Halo: Quiet Worlds


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I've had some free time recently from my busy lifestyle and I managed to make a rough fanfic. Hope you guys enjoy and if not then please leave a comment. 



"Mankind must put an end to war, before war puts an end to mankind." -John F. Kennedy


Prologue- July 7,2557

The human colony world of Donovan went on with its business as usual. It was an outer colony with a few unexplored areas and supplied the Inner Colonies with iron. It was lucky to be untouched during the war with the Covenant, but today its luck has ran out.


"Lookout to Beta base, I'm detecting a UNSC ship. Do they have permission to land"


"Negative, contacting them now"


"UNSC Gargantuar, please state your purpose, over"


Lieutenant Clark, head of the people of Donovan's safety, patiently waited for a response. What came next made shocked, even a war veteran like him. 


"Revenge" The word echoed through his mind and struck him hard. He immediately regained his senses. "Blow the ship up, Lookout! Do it now!" 


"Yes sir!" The UNSC Lookout was old but it can still blow a ship like the Gargantuar. The Lookout's 

captain ordered the crew to fire 2 MAC rounds. That should blow the damned thing, he thought. 


The first MAC round was repelled by shields, much to the Captain's surprise. The second didn't fare much better than the first.


"What the hell was-" The Captain didn't even finish his sentence when the ship was blown up by a barrage of MAC rounds. The ship was the planet's only defense against space threats. 


A fleet of combined Covenant and UNSC ships exited slip space and began to barrage the planet with plasma, MAC rounds and missiles. Donovan never stood a chance. 


Clark managed to transmit a message before the planet was blasted to oblivion. "It was him" 


Edited by Frankenzer
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Special thanks to Baconshelf for providing me a dependable Halo Timeline :D Now to the boring part of the story. I placed a date on the prologue to prevent confusion :D


Chapter 1: The Beginning- August 7, 2517

It was a bright and beautiful day. Donovan's unnamed star was as hot as always. A 10 year old Lance was busy mowing their lawn, a task given by his father, James Clark. His 6 year old brother, Dante Clark, watched him curiously. Their father didn't come home yesterday. Lance knew that was the cost for being second in command of the Donovan's security forces. He couldn't help but smile as his father's car stopped at his garage.


A newly promoted Lieutenant Clark came to his house, smiling happily as he prepared to make the announcement. He was delighted to see his son hard at work. James could hire someone else to mow his lawn for him, but he believed that making his son do things made him more responsible. 


Their mother, Ines Clark , approached James with a warm hug. James pointed at his new insignia. "Guess you know what this means." Ines smiled at him in response. "Now to reward a hard working man." 


James caught his eldest son's eyes and he pulled something out of his pocket. It was a bullet. James knew Lance loved this kind of stuff. Lance responded by giving him a hug. James found it quite tight. Lance has always been strong and smart for his age, and Dante was beginning to show signs of being exceptional too. "You're a very good boy, Lance." 


James saw Dante by their house's entrance. The house had white as the primary colour and red as the secondary. It wasn't that big, but it was enough for James. Almost every house in Donovan's residential area was identical. Donovan was one of the first Outer colonies established and in 40 years' time, only a small area of Donovan was explored. 


James knelt and Dante caught him in the eye, but he didn't go for a hug. James always thought that Dante was always acting tough, even for a 6 year old. James tried to get his son's attention by showing him a lollipop. Dante took the bait and came closer. "Is that for me?" he asked. "Of course son" James replied. Dante immediately took the lollipop. 


Lollipops were hard to come by since it had to come from an inner colony. A settlement in Donovan was established solely for mining iron. As time went by, the residents decided to establish Donovan's first and ,for the time being, only city. They now had a lot of residents and factories for the primary human needs were established. No lollipop factory though. 


James thought of showing his sons around the city when a lady accompanied by a man showed up. James knew who they were the moment he saw them. "So, you must be Dr. Halsey" 


Edited by Frankenzer
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Why was the star unnamed?


Seems highly irregular a colony would be founded without naming the location. It's like us Brits travelling to 'Murica in the 1700's and sort of forgetting to call it America, and now the two continents are just North " " and South " "


Also, outer colonies would be much more capable to survive on their own without relying on outside intervention than inner colonies; low population, long travel times and general isolation would make self-sustainability a must for any legitimate space-faring species. Likewise, I doubt it would necessarily supply iron to inner colonies; we haven't got close to depleting our resources (Compared to fossil fuels) in upwards of 6,000 years of civilisation; colonies in space would have not even touched a percentage of their iron, especially as more useful materials such as graphene/ carbon, titanium, tungsten and nanotechnology become more available for mass synthesis.


Why does this guy know Halsey? The SPARTAN program was- and still is (HtT excluded), one of the most classified projects in ONI history. Halsey and Keyes (The latter didn't know the mission himself) were always there in secret, watching and observing. They never contacted parents, so no one would know their kid is being selected for special forces stuff.


One final point which is really a nitpick is that a colony wasn't necessarily lucky to have not been hit. In space, civilisation would expand in a sphere with Sol at the centre, so to destroy the entire outer colonies would require knowing the location of the inner colonies then circling around, destroying all 600-ish outers fairly rapidly then moving into Earth and tightening the sphere. Covenant never knew where Earth was until a luminary identified it as Erde-Tyrene on Meridian in 2551, so this cannot have happened.


But that's a discussion for another time.

Edited by BaconShelf
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Why was the star unnamed?


Seems highly irregular a colony would be founded without naming the location. It's like us Brits travelling to 'Murica in the 1700's and sort of forgetting to call it America, and now the two continents are just North " " and South " "


Also, outer colonies would be much more capable to survive on their own without relying on outside intervention than inner colonies; low population, long travel times and general isolation would make self-sustainability a must for any legitimate space-faring species. Likewise, I doubt it would necessarily supply iron to inner colonies; we haven't got close to depleting our resources (Compared to fossil fuels) in upwards of 6,000 years of civilisation; colonies in space would have not even touched a percentage of their iron, especially as more useful materials such as graphene/ carbon, titanium, tungsten and nanotechnology become more available for mass synthesis.


Why does this guy know Halsey? The SPARTAN program was- and still is (HtT excluded), one of the most classified projects in ONI history. Halsey and Keyes (The latter didn't know the mission himself) were always there in secret, watching and observing. They never contacted parents, so no one would know their kid is being selected for special forces stuff.


One final point which is really a nitpick is that a colony wasn't necessarily lucky to have not been hit. In space, civilisation would expand in a sphere with Sol at the centre, so to destroy the entire outer colonies would require knowing the location of the inner colonies then circling around, destroying all 600-ish outers fairly rapidly then moving into Earth and tightening the sphere. Covenant never knew where Earth was until a luminary identified it as Erde-Tyrene on Meridian in 2551, so this cannot have happened.


But that's a discussion for another time.

Your comment is appreciated :D


First off, because I couldn't think of a starish name lol


I can't answer other queries in public without revealing much of my plot (even though not much read it lol :P), so I'll have to answer your questions in a pm 

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Use real stars then, Zeta Doradus (Onyx), Epsilon Eridani (Reach), Epsilon Indi (Harvest) and a Beta Gabriel have all been seen in halo fiction at some point. Only one is thought to have a habitable world.


Arcturus, Altair, Fomelhaut and so forth, literally thousands, are there for the taking.

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