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Who are we? We are the United Nations Special Operations Regiment as apart of the UNMC, We are extremely team oriented and competitive, we value Honour, Respect and Discipline. We train in an extremely combat oriented enviroment and also run events, combat drills and custom games. Do you have what it takes to be the baddest, cruelist person in known space? JOIN US!


Joining Details: 


It should be advised that people are judged on ability and Attitude, We don't hold any personal grudges- You earn everything on your own accord and If you are given rank, You are given it because YOU EARNED IT!


Do i have to change my Bio?

- No you don't and no You don't have to change you gamertag either, the only thing that is asked is that you wear regiment Colors and emblem when you are on duty and friend the UNSOR Roster(So we can take better care of you.)


Do i have to Attend Daily?

- No you don't, Regiment is fair and realize that people work and go to school, but we run Combat Drills sessions all weekend and in mid-week.


What's expected of me? 

- As apart of a highly militarized system we expect quality over Quantity and All personnel are required to be respectful, and Work in perfect cohesion with other Regiment personnel, All personnel must be able to Follow certain orders if given by the Lt.Colonel or Colonel and must be disciplined, have Good sportsmanship. But we do have our moments where messing around is permitted.


How is Training?

- Training is Extremely difficult and is made to weed out the weak and unmotivated, also it will teach you how to be a better player and Fight in a team properly. Training is a grueling 4 hours spread out over a course of 2 days. You will fail! But you will learn to overcome and be a Disciplined individual, WE HAVE A HIGH FAILURE RATE FOR A REASON.


Is there any specialized training?

- Yes After Marines Graduate they can Go to Scout Sniper School or Air-Assault, and a few other.


Are you mean? 

- Only at training and if our members act unsavoury- besides that we are very fair and respectful Community, There will be no Corruption on personal Vendetta's in the Regiment! we are a band of brothers who just love a good fair fight.



How are Combat Drills? 

- Combat Drills consist of Elimination game types where teams must work together to overcome the enemy, and later are usually 1v1's or 2v2's to test recruits ot 1v3's.


Regiment Details:


1st Marine Recon Battalion(Snipers)


2nd ODST Battalion(Skill&Assaulters)


3rd Mechanized Marine Infantry(Basic infantry)


4th Rookie Training Battalion(Recruit Battalion)






Then Contact the GT: 'UNSOR Roster' for any questions, we will answer all.


Hope to see you tough ******** there!


"Fight for all!"


Ranks Below and other Rules. \/\/\/\/\/


Rules and Regulations:

-          Friendly fire is prohibited.

-          Orders must be respected and followed.

-          Superiors must be respected.

-          There will be no harassment or bigotry.

-          There will be no abuse of subordinates if you’re an officer.

-          Regiment personnel will not be able to become and NCO if they are already enlisted in other clans.

-          All personnel must maintain a level of Seriousness and respect at all times.

-          Officers may not be a part of any other clans.

-          Officers must respect Regulations and rules.

-          All Raid Combat Personnel must be combat ready and have finished basic training.

-          While on duty, all recruits must wear Regimental uniforms and colors.

-          All Complaint must be taken up with the Company Commander and the Company Commander must pass it up to the Battalion Commanders.

-          No personnel may be discharged without the battalion Commander’s and Regimental Colonels permission.

-          All personnel must attend drill and Combat exercises at-least twice in a time of 2 weeks.

-          All personnel must report all unruly attitudes or unsavoury behaviour to the Regimental colonel or battalion Commander’s.

-          Applications for tranfer’s or training will not be spammed- after intital decision, all potential candidates must wait 2 days before sending another- if not… a strike will be added.

-          Personnel are allowed 3 strikes before military Police take action.

-          Any abuse must be reported.

Uniform Regulations:

Marine infantry:                                  

-          EOD Helmet (If a Security Specialist)

-          HAZOP(for Military Police)

ODST Regulations:

-          ODST Helmet.

-          ODST Shoulder Armour.

-          ODST Chest-plate or HP Para-foil.

-          Air-Assault Helmet UA/CNM(If Security Specialist) and FC-1(for Military Police)

Marine Recon:

-          Scout Helmet.

-          Sniper Shoulders.

-          Tactical/Patrol.

-          Scout HU/RS(For Military Police)

-          CBRN/CNM (For Security )




Private First Class.

Lance Corporal.




Staff Sergeant.

Gunnery Sergeant.

Master Sergeant.

First Sergeant.

Master Gunnery Sergeant.

Sergeant Major.

Sergeant Major of the Regiment.

Warrant Officers:

Warrant Officer 1

Chief Warrant Officer 2

Chief Warrant Officer 3

Chief Warrant Officer 4

Chief Warrant Officer 5


Second lieutenant.

First lieutenant.


Field Grade Officers:


Lieutenant Colonel.




MESSAGE: 'UNSOR Roster' if interested. Include the Password: "Anna" So we know where you came from.















Also we a located on XBOX360 and are soon going to XBOX ONE, We play Reach mostly but Halo 4 too.

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Used to run a clan called The Spartan Force (TSF) with around 200 members. Made montages featured on halowaypoint.com.

for an example.


I just want to have a good time, meet some good ppl and have a good time. Most of our old members didn't transition to the xb1. If you guys are interested in having me send me a msg. GT - Parsnipes. Cheers.


P.S. I have a few friends that will come with me. Been playing with this crew for going on 6 years now.

I don't know how active I can be but I'd like to give back to the halo community. Im 26 so Im looking to help out these groups. I did weekly montages for 16 weeks before I got a real cap card (https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSpartanForc3). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDDDYwSsWpw

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