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Anyone else annoyed by the thought of Spartan Abilities interactions with vehicles?

Delko Elite

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When i first saw Spartan abilities i was curios of what 343i meant and wanted to see if it was just another excuse to keep elites out of Halo gameplay. (which so far all of them have been poor)


After a bit of watching BETA gameplay and general curiosity I just pondered the interactions with vehicle combat in H5G and it just annoyed me. Warthogs getting ground pounded, quick player movement to cross maps(limiting vehicle need), hovering to avoid vehicle attack radius, boosting out of the way of splatters and tank rounds and shoulder charging a vehicle to flip it over. 


Just imagine having movement speed up to 150% and everyone having a Jetpack on a map like Sandtrap or Blood Gulch CTF. People would probably rely more on the more agile and less noticeable than the clunky and obviously visible.


I have heard talk about Spartan abilities having an off option so that would be cool to have on BTB but it seems like that would add a weird gap. Along with what would be the defining line of "too big for spartan abilities?" Some large maps are actually pretty close quarters.


Now that I think about it, how will Spartan abilities work in elevation maps? Maps that are more vertical then they are horizontal might just have to get internally removed from the game because stairs and elevators would see alot less use. In Reach and 4 not everyone had a jetpack but now that high elevation is for everyone how much of a titanic change is this for Halo. 


Looking at how destructive this could be has pushed me alot closer to the Halo 3.5ers logic. The mobility path isn't the key to making a modern game. While games like League have a crazy mobility creep coming up soon that will destroy the game Halo doesn't need it. Halo is an arena shooter and adding too much reliability built into to the player in an arena shooter, is like having a cheat sheet with only half of the answers.


i might get some hate for this but, I think 343i should just look back at what was wrong with Halo 3 and stick to that formula. Nothing was inherently godawful about that game CE or 2 but drastic changes were made to it.




Maybe the golden square should of stayed The Golden Triangle. Not only is the triangle the most sturdy shape in nature but saying "The Golden Triangle" is a million times better than the golden square. Makies it sound like you're about to preach about a balanced breakfast.


BTW, Please



and sorry for any mistakes, kind of tired.

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