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Halo 5? You mean Halo fail :(


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Halo is the game that put xbox on the map we have followed the chief and his adventures since then now they want to force us to play as different characters. There is no need to play other characters to experience the story. They appear to be attempting to replace the master chief with other characters, you want us to play other characters make a different game. The gameplay I saw wasnt very impressive either. Was hoping they could continue to improve but since 343 has taken over the franchise is being destroyed by pretty graphics.

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Halo is the game that put xbox on the map we have followed the chief and his adventures since then now they want to force us to play as different characters. There is no need to play other characters to experience the story. They appear to be attempting to replace the master chief with other characters, you want us to play other characters make a different game. The gameplay I saw wasnt very impressive either. Was hoping they could continue to improve but since 343 has taken over the franchise is being destroyed by pretty graphics.


It's not like you still don't get to play as Chief. If you play be yourself or are the Host you are Chief, in his missions at least. People said the same thing about Arbiter when you had to play as an Elite in Halo 2 and 10 years later he's one of the most beloved Characters in the franchise. I do not see how not having the spotlight on Chief 100% of the time is ruining the game. Adding more characters adds more context, depth, and experiences and should be welcome, and not shuddered.


TL;DR Taking the spotlight off and focusing on other newer characters DOES make the game better. I like Chief, and like his story a lot. Just focusing on Chief all the time though would be pretty darn boring honestly.

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What about the Arbiter in Halo 2? :D


Two characters is so much more interesting and adds so much more depth, story and context to the story.


And opens up many interesting opportunities.


Don't worry, Chief is still the main focus but adding in new characters is hardly a bad thing, Halo needs it, the characters Bungie created are just boring and flat.


And that is the reason why Chief talked so much in H4, he developed as a character for once!

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I understand what your saying and can respect that and they are very valid points but just my opinon that the game is headed in the wrong direction ever since halo 4 while the game was solid it never captured my attention like the previous games was just disappointed like I was with mass effect 3 

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I feel after the ending of halo 4 that they should follow chiefs journey to discover his humanity and obviously some way to be cortana back in some way shape or form (which of course these could be a part of the game but I havent seen anything showing that) and obviously lets not forget cortana either would like to see her  but then again these could just be pipe dreams. Im sure the game will be solid in and of itself.

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"Waah! I'm not playing as the most boring character in the series and I want to forsake characterisation for a guy who had less than 100 lines across the first 3 games!"


I have no sympathy here. All the non-John characters shown have been far more likeable than John in almost every respect. Buck, Vale, Tanaka and Locke are all much more interesting from their limited appearances alone and Kelly, Fred and Linda are characters just as old as John yet at more interesting and have only been introduced for the first time now. 15 years after The Fall of Reach.


In Co-Op, I will pick any character over John.


I feel after the ending of halo 4 that they should follow chiefs journey to discover his humanity and obviously some way to be cortana back in some way shape or form (which of course these could be a part of the game but I havent seen anything showing that) and obviously lets not forget cortana either would like to see her but then again these could just be pipe dreams. Im sure the game will be solid in and of itself.


She's dead. She was going to die, that was Bungie's hand. She isn't coming back.


This has been confirmed multiple times, I'm sorry of you like the character, but if all you're liking the series for is two characters, then it may not be the franchise for you.

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