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Warzone, the perfect chance for Elites vs Spartans

Delko Elite

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and 343i throws it away. 


Why does 343i not want elites in Halo so badly? They went out of their way to make it canon that Elites and Spartans with with and against each other in the simulations but try their best to not allow them in Halo 5. They've had plenty of time to add this feature into the game but have just chosen not to.




Why is not having elites in Halo 5 such a problem? Is player variety to much to ask for, or wanting to play as an alien just going to far. 343i even decided to make humanoid Prometheans and still chose not to add them into MP.

I can't be the only one banging their head into their desk thinking about this. Is 343i really going to do the bare minimum when adding player customization. There are indie games with far better customization options than we get in Halo. People with less than 1% of the resources of 343i are managing to put out better content. WTF, how is that thought even conceivable?


MIND=BLOWN by such a thought. I need to ascend to a higher state of being to understand such a a thing. I'l see you all in 9.3 billion years when that happens, brb.

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I'm gonna start off by saying this.  I can understand how someone who prefers Elites can get upset about them not being officially playable in halo 5.


Now onto the goods.  First off, again a thread like this tries to imply a "racial" discrimination and player separation.  Elites are not real people nor are they a species.  Implying discrimination is just taking the game way to seriously and overlooking things as objective and logically.


Second, Halo 4 was the FIRST title to not allow you to play as an Elite in any capacity.  Halo 2 through Halo Reach had you able to use Elites in specific gametypes, custom games and in the latter titles, always.  It's not as if the Elites were removed from the games altogether.  Every time i see you speak about them, you talk as if we have gone many games without them.  hate to burst the bubble with logic...but the amount of actual players who absolutely cannot stand playing as a Spartan are obviously in the minority.  Sometimes you need to remove emotion from your thought process to reach a logical conclusion on some things.  Getting worked up the way you do helps none, and clouds reality.


Third, let's take an objective look at the Elite character and the purpose therein in the subsequent halo titles.  Halo 1-Reach focuses on Humanities war with the Covenant.  The Covenant and Sangehli in particular are the foremost warriors in all the titles, except in halo 3 where the Brutes rise to their level of importance and the Elites fall.  The point is, Elites were playable based on the scenarios and theme of Halo 1-Reach.  Halo 4 is the beginning of the Reclaimer Trilogy.  The Covenant are no longer at war with Humanity as Humanity is now at war with the Forerunners.  Since the Elites are now nothing more than greatly represented as "Political Opponents", there is no reason for Spartans and Elites to be featured as savage enemies in any type of Multiplayer Wargame or otherwise.  If anything, a Forerunner character should be taking their place.


The reason why Spartans are featured so dominantly in halo 4 is two fold logically. ..


1. Spartan IV's were created to preserve Humanities dominance following the Covenant WAR.  Therefore Spartan's are featured since they are "defending" humanity against the Forerunner threat.


2.  Since there was no player model for a Forerunner of comparable size beyond the Didact, that is probably a logical reason why no other species was brought into it.


Yes Elites are present in Halo 4, but only as a supporting role.  The real featured threat is the Didact and his Forerunner army.  Suffice to say, I wouldn't plan on seeing Elites as major multiplayer enemies any time soon in the new themed trilogy.  Is it sad that they are not in there...yes.  But it's also sad that other species are not in there either.  At the end of the day, you need to be more understanding yourself, about what other players might want besides you.

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Cannon or not I don't care! :)


Should a simple preference that thousands of people would like to see, Elites not even be considered because it dosent fit with cannon!?


Of course not that ruins the game for no good reason, as much as I like what 343 is doing with the Halo cannon, this is going too far!

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