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Medal Shout outs

Spectral Jester

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When a medal is awarded whats your favourite shout out.


For me its either Showstopper or Yoink.


Showstopper sounds really dramatic, and as for Yoink it always makes me laugh as it just doesnt fit into a game like Halo

I know Yoinks really annoy some players, but Bungie shouldnt of made it sound so funny


Your favourite shout out is ?

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Showstopper is awesome, Rejection also because you know its a medal where the other person will be mega annoyed.

But still its Yoink, if I get one on me I will yoink at every opportunity. Simple reason stop showing off and just melee him.


I agree, I Yoink whenever I can. Actually just Yesterday, I Yoinked someone and he raged at me after the game. saying all this stuff about I have no skill and have to kill steal and that he's a 50 in Halo 3. I simply told him. "Call Story Bro', I like that story, I'll tell that story at Parties Bro. Hell maybe I'll pick up chicks with that story". Always nice to annoy fellow Australians.


As for my Fav, Def Yoink and Be the Bullet. And Invincible. Makes me feel... Good inside.

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I agree, I Yoink whenever I can. Actually just Yesterday, I Yoinked someone and he raged at me after the game. saying all this stuff about I have no skill and have to kill steal and that he's a 50 in Halo 3. I simply told him. "Call Story Bro', I like that story, I'll tell that story at Parties Bro. Hell maybe I'll pick up chicks with that story". Always nice to annoy fellow Australians.


As for my Fav, Def Yoink and Be the Bullet. And Invincible. Makes me feel... Good inside.


INVINCIBLE!!! then I usually die gloating in my expertise lol

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