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Would you rather..


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The though of the nails just sent major shivers down my spine after having once had a nail ripped off. I would definitely have to go with hair plucking *Shudder*


WYR have to clean a toilet after a rather large person has finished with diarrhoea or wipe an old persons backside?

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WYR be famous and rich or rich and unknown?


Depends on what you're famous for. I would rather have my money and be unknown then to be a rich actor who's career is dependent on the subjects of the darn (lol) public and critiques.


Would you rather eat only tofu for the rest of your life... or only really dark, incredibly bitter chocolate with no water to wash the taste out.

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Deaf, I'm already half way there anyway lol


WYR be missing your arms or legs?

legs so I can collect disability and play halo all day every day.


WYR eat yourself to death via bananas or eat a deluxe stapler whole and crap it out the next day?

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