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Can i organise a Lan Party with around 30 People after Release?

sG Sunrise

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Hello together :)


I am going to organise a Lan Party with around 30 People after the release from Halo 5 .

Does anyyone know if we need to play Online while we sit next to each other because of Lan problemes coming with the game of halo 5 . Or are there even any problems with playing halo 5 on Lan . I am just asking because if so many people are coming and there is no Lan or even multiplayer Support i am fuxxxxxxt :D

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 but not any type Splitscreen. :)

It supports splitscreen in Multiplayer not in Co-Op



To answer your question OP Lan should be a feature but I dont remember it being confirmed or not.


Another problem you guys have to encounter is that you need to INSTALL the game before playing it. Which means you will have to wait for all your Xbox Ones to finish installing Halo 5 before playing together so make sure you have that handled before doing anything (this only really applies if youre doing this Lan the same night of release)

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It supports splitscreen in Multiplayer not in Co-Op



To answer your question OP Lan should be a feature but I dont remember it being confirmed or not.


Another problem you guys have to encounter is that you need to INSTALL the game before playing it. Which means you will have to wait for all your Xbox Ones to finish installing Halo 5 before playing together so make sure you have that handled before doing anything (this only really applies if youre doing this Lan the same night of release)


Multiplayer split has been dropped since the beta. There is no splitscreen support in Halo 5. Period.

Edited by Azaxx
Just edited out the duplicate quote
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Nut, its been confirmed Halo 5 does not support lan.


Look at the post above your own for proof.


Sad is the day when lan and split screen go. :(


You can still create private lobbies right? I mean what difference does it make with just hopping on XBL and joining eachother in a private lobby?

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You can still create private lobbies right? I mean what difference does it make with just hopping on XBL and joining eachother in a private lobby?


That's not a LAN. A LAN connection is using Ethernet cables to form a network. Otherwise, you may as well just use XBL and save yourself the hassle of moving gear.

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That wasn't really my point. My point was that you could all still get together and have a party, only it won't be like the olden days.

There is still use in getting all the machines together as you can't have a party with more than 8 people over XBL.


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