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The Arbiter and Spartan Locke's Relationship

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I wrote up a piece on the Arbiter and Spartan Locke and what their relationship looks like going into Halo 5.


Halo 5 Guardians feels like the game that has been building up in the Halo Universe for the last 5 years; with all of the deep lore aspects of novels, comics and more all centralizing into one game. With all of these additions and intertwining story lines coming together, it also brings both old and new characters into the fold as well – most notably, Thel Vadamee and Jameson Locke (The Arbiter and Spartan Locke).


Since the very teaser of Halo 5 during E3 2013, we saw the Master Chief in maybe a familiar place (The Ark) searching for his long lost companion: Cortana.



As time went on, we were introduced to the following image below of a mysterious Spartan character standing on the top of a reflection of our hero, savior and protagonist of the Halo franchise, the Master Chief. When this was released, the community went insane trying to figure out what this meant for our hero and just who this new character is. Since then, much has been built up and we eventually were told this Spartan is Agent Locke of ONI. We were even introduced to him in the Halo: Nightfall series.




We learned a few key things about Spartan Locke throughout this time period. For one, we know he was an Acquisitions Specialist for the Office of Naval Intelligence, with duties that included tracking and assassinating enemy threats. We also know from the Nightfall series he values the military structure and the duty that is at the center of it, with an importance on obeying orders and not getting distracted from the main task.



Both of these are important when we consider his main objective as of now: Hunting the so-called “awol” Master Chief.


We know from HUNT THE TRUTH that the Master Chief is being framed for assassinating members of a peace consulate with seemingly no reason or objective. However we later find out he was targeting the extremist group, SAPIEN SUNRISE, who were reported to be plotting assassination attempts on the peace activists. What is more interesting is when we consider the fact that this “secret” extremist group could very well be ONI or at least encouraged by them, since we know ONI is wanting to essentially commit genocide on the Sangheili species. Why does all this matter? Simple –


Spartan Locke is apart of ONI, and ONI is becoming a direct antagonist to the Master Chief.


So where does the Arbiter come into play in all of this? We know that Thel is dealing with his own problems as there is essentially a civil war going on between the Sangheili and the remains of the Covenant. Well at E3 2014 we received our first view of the Arbiter and Spartan Locke conversing, while Locke looked onto projected holograms of the Master Chief’s life events. *This was more for the trailer and E3 presentation, but still a metaphor*




The Arbiter is seen standing near a window showing what looks to be Sanghelios, the Elite homeworld, speaking to Spartan Locke about the Master Chief. There is one very important statement that Thel makes to Locke: “I tell you this, not because I trust you Agent Locke, but because all our lives are at stake.”


Thel makes it very clear he does not trust Spartan Locke. This is the relationship I want to dive into further because not only do I think it is very interesting, but it could lead us to know more about the Arbiter’s thoughts on not just this specific human, but Humanity in general. Does he not trust Locke because he is hunting his friend? Or is it because he is working for ONI, an organization that has been quietly pulling strings on both sides of the Sangheili civil war? Thel may know more about ONI than he leads on and that could very well be the root issue here.


We then see another instance in which a Sangheili soldier and the Arbiter showcase further distrust of Spartan Locke and his true intentions:




We see the Arbiter speaking very on edge to Agent Locke, even at one point being surprised as to who Locke is hunting. He definitely seems to question Locke’s intentions and is not sure about working with him, but it appears something is going on that requires him to push aside this trust issue and move on with the objective…as we see in the cutscene below:



I do not trust you, he may, but I do NOT.  – Sangheili Soldier


My friend’s trust is not the issue today, Spartan Locke. It is my trust you must earn. You are a hunter, yes? A seeker of things…And now you hunt other Spartans? You seek (Locke: 117). I was not told the identity of your prey. – Thel Vadamee




Right in the beginning we hear a voice over the speaker say, “Arbiter, we are nearing the the target.” We then hear the Arbiter question Locke as to what he calls the Master Chief and if he is a foe.

Prepare for action. What do you call him Spartan Locke? 117, the Master Chief. He is not your friend, is he your foe? – Thel Vadamee


He’s gone awol and the UNSC want him back, I’m going to bring him home. – Spartan Locke

I admire your sense of duty Spartan, but if he has left the fold, he has his reasons. – Thel Vadamee

At the end of the cutscene, the door opens up and both the Arbiter and Spartan Locke assume a defensive position, with Thel taking out his energy sword…so we know whatever they are approaching is a hostile environment and they are fighting together.


We are seeing the Arbiter *begrudgingly* aid Spartan Locke, while watching and noticing his every move/word. One last cutscene with both the Arbiter and Spartan Locke was seen in this year’s E3 2015 trailer for Halo 5 Guardians. Watch below at 2:15:



I’m a Spartan now sir. – Jameson Locke


I know who you are, yet now you hunt another Spartan, the greatest of your clan. – Thel Vadamee


If you watch that portion at 2:15, you will hear the Arbiter respond with the above quote, seemingly annoyed by Locke telling him he is a Spartan. He also waves him off as if he is sick of hearing him speak, and reminds Locke he is hunting the greatest of his kind. This statement shows the respect that Thel has for John and seems to be reminding Locke he is not impressed with him.


Throughout all of the scenes where we see these two characters together, we can deduce that the Arbiter does not trust Locke, and is more or less annoyed by his presence, albeit understands they need to work together for the good of the galaxy. Why they need to work together remains to be seen.


Overall I think this is a very important theme that has gone somewhat unnoticed. These two characters are major players in not just Halo 5 Guardians, but the entire Halo Universe in general. Knowing that one of them is hunting Master Chief and essentially working for his enemy, while the other is a close friend of John’s, will produce a very intriguing storyline and one to watch for as we roll closer to the release of the game.


If Locke does not want to believe the atrocities that ONI has committed and is committing, assuming somewhere along the line he finds out, then it could be a terrible situation for all three characters involved and force a confrontation. To be quite frank, I would say that situation ends up with Locke on the losing end.


Either way, the story between the Arbiter and Spartan Locke promises to be exciting and interesting for all new and old Halo fans.Thanks for reading!


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