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How Ebonhart changed the Face of Azura Star

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Here is a story of how Ebonhart went from having no keeps or scrolls in the morning to two scrolls back in our hands and every single one of our Home-keeps and almost all of the Dominion home keeps.

This goes by what I saw btw...... ( Why am I making this thread? Because its a cool story)


At around 11am GMT I hoped aboard my usual pvp server. Unlike most servers where there is always a population imbalance, Azura star has a very balanced population. But right now, stuff isn't going well for Ebonhart....


We had lost all of our keeps and were on the defensive desperately trying to stop the Dominion from making off with our scrolls. We held them off for as long as we could but after an hour our lines were broken, our forces routed back to our spawn locations and our scrolls taken. We had no scrolls, no keeps and now we were being ganked everywhere.....


But we were not done yet! WE WERE ONLY JUST STARTING!


Pushing back the gankers after we gathered up two massive groups, we found most of the Dominion retreating. We set our sights first on Kingscrest that was under Covenant control. We found Kingscrest under a light guard of players and we easily took it out. We then moved onto Arrius and took that. Then all the group leaders split up, my group headed down south and took Sejanus and Blueroad, while the bigger group took, Chalam, Bleakers, Dragonclaw and Aswell.


How did we take so many keeps after just losing them all? Its because the we used good strategy and tactics for example the bigger group flagged Aswell then took bleakers and then went back and took Aswell. Cutting off spawns and easily taking the keeps cut off from rapid transit.


Then I logged off and see things have gotten arguably worse.


My group has been trying to take our scrolls back for hours but the Ad was just too strong. The other large group was just camping at Fort Rayles with the rest of Ebonhart, Alliance point farming. ( and by extension, holding off the entire DC ) 


Me and the rest of the group were pretty angry and just gave up. We were sitting around Sejanus thinking about what to do until one of our guys suggested. "Why don't we just distract their army, just take the resources around the keeps if we can take them faster than they can recapture we can at least do something, better than just holding that bridge over by Allesia" so that's what we did.


We circled around from Blackboot to Bloodmayne to Farygale taking resources drawing a massive portion of the enemy out to retake them all. ( At the same time some of our forces took Castle Allesia due to the distraction we made and the Covanant were taking Roeback from the Dominion )


We kept on taking resources until the massive group that was ap farming got bored and took Bloodmaybe because the Dominion simply couldn't fight on some many fronts.


They were trying to defend Roeback, take Allesia, take Bloodmayne and take back all the resources our group was taking. Within a few minutes all of Ebonhart met up at Bloodmaybe and worked our way to Fayrgale to Blackboot and took both our scrolls back and the keeps. With all Dominion territory under our control we ganked the gates while our scroll keepers took both our scrolls back.


Right now we are working on taking the Dominion scrolls.


TO RECAP! Within an hour all of Ebonhart got together and forced the Dominion to fight too many fronts.


The Dominion were trying to take back resources, take back keeps, avoid the ganking parties we set up on the gates etc.


They simply couldn't hold off a joint assault by the entirety of Ebonhart and a the Daggerfall attack on Roeback.

And it was all because of MY GROUP. With our resource taking tactics we spread the Dominion out allowing our forces to take Allesia ( and by taking Allesia we drew the attention of the Alliance points farmer at Rayles who helped us later take the scrolls and the keeps )



This is the story of how Ebonhart went from no keeps or scrolls to all our scrolls back and ganking the Dominion gate. Funny how our positions were reversed. :) We won because we were coordinated, smarter, had skill, used an unorthodox tactic and of course EBONHART IS THE BEST FACTION!


( Note the story about us taking four Elder scrolls from the Dominion in the sb was exaggerated because I knew Ash was there )


But that was an hour ago scince I logged off, maybe we have....


Anyway hope you enjoyed this awesome story about never giving up, Caboose out!








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