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Assassin's Creed: Syndicate Evie Frye Gameplay with new details!

Connor Kenway

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Hey there forumers :D so today, Ubisoft released (FINALLY) Evie Frye gameplay (Jacobs sister who will also be playable) and it does not disappoint it might even top Jacob (in my opinion it definitely does). For those who don't know Evie and Jacob will have different play styles, Evie being the Stealthy one and Jacob being the Brawler. wait why haven't I put the trailers in yet for you to see? I think I'll do that now!


So what are the new features of note?

Evie is confirmed to be playable in free roam and she has a skill that can make her completely invisible when standing still!

Evie Frye Gameplay




Evie and Jacob Frye Trailer




So what do you guys think of AC Syndicate? are you not sure whether you'll get it because of the state Unity was in on launch? let me know below! and as always have a good one :heart:

Edited by Aramis
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Okay, so I've seen a lot of really sexist jerks saying that Jacob isn't needed in this game and that Evie could hold it on her own. While I think Jacob solo or Evie solo could hold the game, I like their bond as twins, as it's something we haven't seen before.


In Unity, Elise and Arno were an on/off couple, so it was a bit more cliche'd, but a brother and sister combo is really cool to see in a video game, the fact that they're twins adds to it.


I can't wait to pick up Syndicate for Christmas! 

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*Sigh* This game looks like an absolute joke.
Invisibility, Electric bombs?! This isn't the Matrix! This is Assassins Creed! I expect it to be somewhat grounded in the historical era's time period.
Assassins creed has lost its way, its as if Ubisoft wants the franchise, to die.
This game just looks boring, like another Assassins creed, a few new gadgets, a change in setting and there you go, the next assassins creed. Compare this to Unity and it does not look that different.
Black Flag was really good because it had Ships. This game does not have Ships leaving the player to explore a boring city with boring side activities.
The side missions are going to be like Unity for sure. Here is a target, they have been doing evil things, go kill them. Great, you killed them, here is 2000 gold or whatever the currency is of that setting.
Mainly I'm bashing because of Metal Gear Solid V, compare that game to this and Mgs makes Assassins creed look like the poor mans stealth game. Like, will Ubisoft ever learn that treasure chests are not side missions!? THEY ARE BUSY WORK! POINTLESS BORING BUSY WORK!


I hope this game has a horrible launch as much as I would feel sympathy for the people who brought it I want Ubisoft to burn into the ground for the swath of uninspired games they keep bringing out.


I don't want people to lose their jobs but I want the company to start innovating. Remember Sony? When they started to have financial trouble they went 100 percent consumer friendly and made Don Mattrick and his cronies look like bogeymen. Well actually, Don Mattick was a bogeyman in real life but that's another story altogether.



I will not be getting this game and support and uninspired, boring, cashcow of a franchise! :)

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Ok I will sai that I don't like the invisibiliti or electric bombs either but the dinamic of the game is what grabs me. that trailer made mi heart race! I actualli believe this to be a step up from sexism because it includes both sexes. Whi let there be contraversi over having one or the other when u can now plai as both? 


Can someone explain each's roles for me though? Like is she an Assassin and he's a templar?   

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What can I say?!


Its in my blood to have a good fight.




Here is my point explained.


Simply put: I put been spoilt.


Well kinda.....



You see Assassins creed used to be my favourite franchise. Its had gotten to the point where everyone in family knew about it.


I was even asked recently by several family members. "I thought you loved Assassins Creed, why have you not pre ordered the new one?"


So to why I am not getting the newest one is because I am burnt out and spoiled.


Assassins creed syndicate embodies everything I hate about the franchise. I began to get burnt out on the franchise around Ac3, I found the game incredibly boring. But I think it was universally agreed by everyone that the best part about that game as the ship combat.


So Ac4 comes out, with a massive open world to explore, with your own ship. I came into the game with low burnt out expectations and was happily blown away. The ship gameplay was exhilarating. The first civilisation crap was kept to a minimum in favour of a much more down to earth story. As well with awesome characters.  The game also had a brilliant lead character who was really likeable. Sure you still had to go to cities ( and I hated that )


But the game was so focused on the open sea it didn't matter. Even treasure chests didn't feel like busywork because I just wanted to explore anyway. I actually wanted to get 100 percent and didn't fall sleep while doing it for once in the franchise.


Sadly that was not to be, Ac unity came next and didn't bring back ships. I played the game for a bit, I got to sequence four and quickly got bored. The side missions were boring, the city was boring. The characters were boring. EVERYTHING WAS BORING!

Everything felt like busywork. Now you could argue that these side missions were no better that Black flag. And you would be right. But the thing is the whole ship combat thing pretty much covered up all the series faults and now without it I remember all the faults.


and then I see Metal Gear five gameplay. And that just makes Assassins Creed syndicate look like the poor mans open world stealth game. Maybe I would be more excited if the games came out every two years or even three. To give them time to innovate or to simply slow the burnout of the franchise. But they have not done that!


Instead of bringing back the only innovative feature in the series, they scrapped it. Mgs v makes Ac just look primitive. I mean I was watching the demo and I could not stop laughing.

They even had to say "This is a blackbox mission" But it means so little, so you could sneak in though a window or get taken prisoner, that's hardly innovative, and its just means you get different ways of going in. That all lead to the same result.


But you want to know what the worse sin is?!



The biggest fun in stealth games is creating your own entrance. You know, randomly finding a guard and him taking your prisoner to get in rather than the game telling you. "Here is a guard, go ask him to take you prisoner" The game is just so much on rails compared to Mgs it is insane.


Mgs v gives you full creative freedom and now I get to the point. No Ac game will ever live up to it. My expectations will always be dampened because I will compare it to Mgs v, and no game can compete with it on a stealth level.


Its why I don't like Far cry, because it dosent have the nemesis system from Shadow of Mordor.


These brilliant games like Shadow of Mordor or Mgs v are brilliant but they also permanently dampen your expectations of similar games because those similar games can never live up to those brilliant ones.


anyway that's my two cents. :)



Edited by Big_Boss
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