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News smashup 2! Mgs V, Destiny and the most unsual news!

Caboose The Ace

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News smashup! 
Article one: Konami confirms that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phatntom pain, the latest addition to the Metal Gear franchise. Will not support pre-loading on Pc. mgs-5-snake-640x332.jpg ( This was the smallest picture I could find..... ) 

However strangely enough, the console versions do.....
Despite it being a pretty common practise for most Pc games now, Metal Gear Solid community manager Robert Allen Peeler did confirm that Metal Gear Solid V will not be among the majority of Pc games that allow pre loading. When asked why Robert had this to say on the matter. "I don't have a specific reason," He also noted that he was circling back with the development team in an attempt to find out. So we might know the real reason before the launch of Metal Gear Solid V on September 1st.
Article two: Bungie is now hiring for a compliably tester for a Pc version of Destiny?

Recently a new post popped up on the Bungie careers board, calling out that there is now an opening for a PC Compatibility Tester to "evaluate PC hardware-specific features and ensure various systems work together across multiple PC configurations to provide a great experience."
Neither Activision or Bungie have said what the position is for. Though it would be a fair guess its relates to a pc version of Destiny. As in the past several Bungie employees have expressed interest in bringing the "shared world shooter" to the Pc.
Article three: Anakin is among the top 1000 baby names in the U.S?!
Okay I admit this article is pretty weird but I really found it hilarious so I wanted to cover it.

Anakin-Jedi.jpg < YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!
All joking aside...
As per usual the United States Social Security Administration releases a list of the top 1000 baby names for the year and it turns out that the name Anakin, for the first time ever actually made it onto the list. Anakin being one of the main characters in the currently, six Star wars. As of now the name Anakin sits nestled between Baylor at 958 and Zaid at 956. Also the name Luke is ranked number 28 on the Social Security Administration list. Not really surprising that Luke is more popular than Anakin.....
Now to end the article with one last great quote.

"i don't like sand it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere"

Truer words were never said. smile.png

Now for the sauce!
Sauce one

Sauce two http://www.ign.com/videos/2015/08/21/is-bungie-hiring-a-pc-compatibility-tester-for-destiny-ign-news
Sauce three http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/08/22/star-wars-anakin-among-the-1000-most-popular-baby-names-in-the-us

Sauce four http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/29800000/Anakin-anakin-skywalker-29859476-1024-768.jpg

I bet that last sauce was pretty scary....

Edited by Big_Boss
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Luke is a much better name than anakin by the way. Because 1: Anakin isn't a real name and Luke actually is. 2: You get about the same amount of Jedi bad-***ery. 3: You wouldn't be associated with horrible Hayden Christansen acting.


Gud news Cabusnake

Edited by rrhuntington
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