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Konami Employees forced to give up their own personal vacations for Mgsv!

Caboose The Ace

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Article one: Konami employees forced to give up their own holidays for Metal Gear Solid V!
Originally the Pc release date for Metal Gear Solid V was September 15th but recently it was changed to September 1st.  Metal Gear Solid V developer Kenichiro Imaizumi took to Twitter after the game's launch however to reveal the  reason how Konami managed to get the Pc version of Metal Gear Solid V to the same date as the consoles. And its not good news.....
How did they? Some of their staff were forced to give up their personal vacations. "PC launch day earlier than original plan. Our programmers didn't take summer vacation to make it happen.. kinda sad". -Kenichiro Imaizumi tweeted. He later went onto clarify that members of the team were willing to do this but of course their families are not happy about having their vacation  cancelled.
Yup, after the news coming out that Konami was treating its employees like slaves. This hardly softens the blow. smile.png

See Ek's article for more info on this subject. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/41233-konami-mistreatment-and-abuse-of-staff-surfaces/

Source: http://uk.ign.com/articles/2015/08/31/konami-workers-gave-up-vacation-time-to-ship-mgs5-early

Edited by Caboose The Ace
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