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Serious H5 Matchmaking + Jumps?


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Hey everyone, Bobzyyy here. I'm new to the forum. And honestly can't quite recall how I managed to come across it. But I've been playing Halo since H1 on the PC back in the day. And I've decided to start playing once again once I saw MCC coming out. Despite how bad it failed lol. 

After being away from Live for so many years, I realized I don't really have anyone all that well to play with. I have my friends that I know personally, but I can only play with them for so long lol.  So I'm looking for anyone who's up for matchmaking. I'm not asking for anything special, but if you die, or see someone, just ******* communicate lolol.

And as for jumps, I've been slowly finding little jumps that are useful here and there, and was wondering what other people have managed to come across that may be beneficial.

So if anyone like to add me, feel free to. 
GT - Bobzyyy

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