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Halo 5 Complaint about MATCHMAKING

Travis Malik

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It's not fair that someone who is trying to get ranked by playing their first ten games of any playlist has to play against champions, onyx, platinum, etc..... Almost every game type I get put into a match, there they are, and we lose every (blank-blank) time. SERIOUSLY!!! THIS WAS AN ISSUE WITH HALO MCC. GET MATCHMAKING FIXED. MATCH PEOPLE AGAINST SAME LEVEL OR SAME PEOPLE DOING THE RANKING SYSTEM! This is some B*&LS^%T. 


You wanna lose a Halo player? I don't care if you can replace me- if that's how your business is run, it will only run you into the dirt. Never had a problem getting even matches when Bungie had control over Halo.

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Your placement matches are to see where you fit in. If you get paired up with Onyx's (I doubt you got paired up with Champions, especially the plural) and platinums then that's where you'll most likely be placed. Yes you might lose from time to time but that's to keep it challenging, they aren't going to give you easy wins you know.

This system is more thought out than you might think.


And don't start with the "Bungie did it better crap" because they didn't. In Halo 3 I was waiting 10 minutes to find a match only to get paired up with people with a skill gap of 10.

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I just hoped into some Multiplayer and I have to say I'm not a fan.

I started Halo with Halo 2 and my favorite was Halo 3 so I am a fan of the BR, but so far every game has been Assault Rifle starts and the ARs seem to out gun the BR out to a pretty decent range.

I would like a Team BRs playlist with no full auto weapons on the map.

I think these settings are wanted by many players and would peak the interest of some Halo fans that have been long lost to other gaming communities.

I'm not a Pro level player or anything but I did have Multiple 50's so I am not a scrub either.


I dont think this game is without potential, I just dont see it lasting any longer than Halo 4 unless we see some changes.


Keep in mind, this is not a comment from a butt hurt 15 year old, just some constructive feedback from a long time Halo fan.

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